2016 Go the Distance FLOG goal

For those of you who set a Go the Distance FLOG goal for the year, how are you doing? I set a goal of 325 miles for the year and achieved it today.:bliss: Good luck to everybody, and for all of you who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! :carolers: :presents2::santa3: For those of you who celebrate Hanukah, Happy Hanukah! To everybody, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :party2: :wine:
  • 2016 was my first full year of Masters swimming after I "retired" from doing triathlons due to knee problems, so I wasn't quite sure what to set as my Go The Distance Goal. I ended up setting a goal 375,000 yds. for the year. I'm at 547,834 yds. as of today. Mostly just consistency and showing up at the pool 5-6 days per week.
  • My goal is always to just match or surpass my previous year's total...which for this year is just 118 miles. It looks like I'm going to come up just about five or so miles short. But I run and cycle too and I surpassed both of those goals back in late November. Dan
  • Hi Elaine- I just met my 325 mile goal a few days ago which I was happy with since I was out of the pool for an entire month. I think I'll set a goal of 350 for next year- we'll see how it goes...
  • Way to go on your goals, everybody! :applaud: Imbacktoit, here's to 325! :chug:
  • Nope --- another surgery cut me to 58% of goal. Wait till next year.
  • Congratulations! I am new to USMS for 2016 and new to year round swimming so didn't initially no what I could accomplish. I set a goal of 75 miles then realized I would reach it by Summer so I changed my goal to 150 and met it last Saturday. I would have bought the 150 mile swim cap, but it wasn't an option. My team mates tell me I should make my own. LOL
  • I set a modest goal of just 50 miles, as there was no guarantee my right shoulder (or me left, for that matter) wouldn't fall apart. The shoulder has held up (in part due to diligent rotator cuff exercises, I think). I'm at 46+ right now, and with the winter weather upon us, I've been riding less and swimming more, so should polish it off in the next week.
  • My goal was 250 miles and I am at 227+ right now. The 250 was sort of a stretch goal anyway - I haven't done that much since 2012. Rob Copeland would tell me if I swam the Channel this week (or around Manhattan) I would make it, but instead I'll aim for 230. Yeah, Rob makes it sound so easy, doesn't he? :rolleyes: :D
  • The goal this year was for 300 miles and as of today, it's 425. Two long races accounted for the bulk of the training. I was excited to see that both September and October were over 100,000 yards. Whew! And with that, I'll be lucky to make 40,000 this month. Next year has a few changes and I'll be working on shorter, faster races (5ks) rather than the longer distances, I think. Although the 10k in Barbados is calling my name in November if I can swing it.
  • I wasn't in the game prior to last year, but beginning around Sep 1st, 2015 was my first year of consistent swimming and I did 27.5 miles in those 4 months. 2016 was the first time I swam year-round. I'm at 90 miles now with 3 days to go. Next year I'm going to bank on 100 and hope for 150.