So the tests are on the honor system? Please pee in a cup and send your sample to a testing lab.
Or does the $500-$800 include doping control and administrative expense. And what about the cost of stationing doping control personnel at all sanctioned swim meets? Is this factored in?
My understanding is that most of the costs associated with a doping program are related to the actual tests themselves. I suspect that USATF and USA Cycling would be willing to share what they have learned with USMS.
So the tests are on the honor system? Please pee in a cup and send your sample to a testing lab.
Or does the $500-$800 include doping control and administrative expense. And what about the cost of stationing doping control personnel at all sanctioned swim meets? Is this factored in?
My understanding is that most of the costs associated with a doping program are related to the actual tests themselves. I suspect that USATF and USA Cycling would be willing to share what they have learned with USMS.