Bags for swimming stuff

Former Member
Former Member
I want to know what type of bag people use to carry their stuff to the pool. For a long time I had a Kiefer mesh bag that was great. It finally after 8 years was too ripped to carry anything. I bough ta Try mesh bag and it lasted maybe 4 months ( I hate Try products.). I tried using a draw bag I got when I started grad school. I tis too small. I am using a North Face book bag right now and it is too heavy. Because my Y doesn't offer over night lockers, I have to carry all my equipment with me everyday. Please help. I don't want to spend a lot of money and have a bag I can't use. Thanks, Craig
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    My Y doesn't have towel service. It is basically inner city and tries to keep cheap. Funny thing is htat few if any neighborhood people are members.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    My Y doesn't have towel service. It is basically inner city and tries to keep cheap. Funny thing is htat few if any neighborhood people are members.
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