Freestyle arm stroke

I've been swimming for a long time - undefeated HS team in 1962. The older I get the more I think about stuff that used to be automatic, like freestyle arm stroke. I mainly do what I think is the currently popular technique with my fingers pointing to the bottom of the pool and my hand moving by my side and deep, but I can also do a version with fingers pointing toward the side of the pool and hand following the middle of my chest and stomach. I'd appreciate any comments on which is better. Also I get some shoulder pain and wonder which is easier on the shoulders. TIA, Tom
  • Hi TomK3 - when I had a shoulder injury about 15 years ago I had to learn not to enter with my thumb/internally rotate my shoulder on entry. I have been told that internal rotation can cause injury and that you want a more neutral hand position - fingers down stroke. Took my awhile to feel like this wasn't much slower but now the stroke works really well for me.
  • Hi TomK3 - when I had a shoulder injury about 15 years ago I had to learn not to enter with my thumb/internally rotate my shoulder on entry. I have been told that internal rotation can cause injury and that you want a more neutral hand position - fingers down stroke. Took my awhile to feel like this wasn't much slower but now the stroke works really well for me.
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