Hello my fellow swimmers I really enjoy the forums and all the valuable information it provides for all kinds of swimmers. Thank you all for providing this resource. I just wanna know what suggestions you might have for me to improve my technique. I am not really a speed swimmer. Mostly prefer swimming for long distances and using it to relax and mediate about life. Any Tips or workout suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Former Member
You have good position in water. You can swim at ease so much more simply by rotating your upper arms the other way during entry, catch, and early pull.
Place your arm out in front of you now with palm down. Look at where your elbow is pointed. Elbows need to point up just after, and during, the hand(s) enter the water.
This is many times more effective and an easy change to make, but it does require optimal rotation, and upper body flexibility, so make it gradual.
The rest looks good
Thanks man. I sort of understand you. But do you have any diagram or vid?
You have good position in water. You can swim at ease so much more simply by rotating your upper arms the other way during entry, catch, and early pull.
Place your arm out in front of you now with palm down. Look at where your elbow is pointed. Elbows need to point up just after, and during, the hand(s) enter the water.
This is many times more effective and an easy change to make, but it does require optimal rotation, and upper body flexibility, so make it gradual.
The rest looks good
Thanks man. I sort of understand you. But do you have any diagram or vid?