What to Expect at Meet

Former Member
Former Member
I will be attending a regional SCY meet this weekend for the first time. Can someone give me an idea of what to expect -- besides hundreds of swimmers vying for parking spaces, warm-up lanes and deck space? Specifically, what do most swimmers DO between races? Is there usually a place to leave your stuff or must you lug it around all weekend? Should I bring a blanket, chair, pillow etc.? Do teams hang out together? How early should I arrive before my first event? (Check in is one hour prior but do I need to be there much before that?) You get the idea. I just need someone to give me the lay of the land for a big meet.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Checking in doesn't take much time, so arrive as early as you need to get your warmup in. An hour before the meet starts is probably fine. You will want to look at the heat sheet to see what lanes you are swimming in. You may want to warm up in one of the lanes that you are swimming in, especially if you are doing a race that includes backstroke. Teams usually sit together, but not everyone from the team will necessarily do so. Bring pads, lawn chairs, blankets, etc. There may be a spot for them. You can always leave them in the trunk. Bleachers and seating tends to be pretty hard, and not that comfortable. Mostly people warm up, warm down, gossip, cheer, and eat between races. Maybe that's just me. Swim fast!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Checking in doesn't take much time, so arrive as early as you need to get your warmup in. An hour before the meet starts is probably fine. You will want to look at the heat sheet to see what lanes you are swimming in. You may want to warm up in one of the lanes that you are swimming in, especially if you are doing a race that includes backstroke. Teams usually sit together, but not everyone from the team will necessarily do so. Bring pads, lawn chairs, blankets, etc. There may be a spot for them. You can always leave them in the trunk. Bleachers and seating tends to be pretty hard, and not that comfortable. Mostly people warm up, warm down, gossip, cheer, and eat between races. Maybe that's just me. Swim fast!
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