I would like some input from people who have actually swum the 1000 & 1650 on the same day in a meet. It looks like there are people out there who do it seemingly successfully (by looking at their times) but I wonder if they regretted this decision a bit. Or trained specifically with that intent. The only thing I could think of to prep for this might be doubles in the pool once or twice a week. Or were they able to successfully nap between the events. See, I'd like to swim the 1000 at Nats but I'm basically shot to high heaven after that event anyways. I just barely meet the Qualifying time in both for my age group, so that's not a deterrent. So, I'm considering potentially "stupid" things. And I can't decide whether I should be talked into or out of doing both. What do you have for me? Advice? Warnings to heed? Help me fully inform my decision.
Thanks for looking out for me Patrick! I went very light on Friday...just the 200 fly!!!
And I was already skeptical of distance advice from Kurt, but with this new knowledge, I'll disregard any future posts by Kurt on the subject :agree:
Thanks for looking out for me Patrick! I went very light on Friday...just the 200 fly!!!
And I was already skeptical of distance advice from Kurt, but with this new knowledge, I'll disregard any future posts by Kurt on the subject :agree: