Pool Etiquette For A Newbie

Former Member
Former Member
Hey everyone! First post on here so be nice* So I'm new to swimming, this is my second week. Right now I'm going three days a week in the morning before work. So when I go, it's always the same people there. There is one guy who appears to be a pretty good swimmer. Then three elderly folks who just kind of float from one end to the other; not saying that in a bad way, I think it's great they're active! So anyways, those four take up four lanes, then the other two are closed for Masters swim practice. The first couple times the elderly man joined lanes with his wife and gave me his. Thought it was great and an awesome gesture, but I could tell it didn't make him happy. So last time it was obvious he wasn't giving me his lane again, but the good swimmer invited me to share his, so I did. I felt bad for this guy because he's going back and forth like crazy, and I'm going down and back and then resting every time; I can only make it more than once down and back on my first two laps right now. I made sure to tuck myself in the corner when I stopped, but just felt bad, maybe because I'm still new. And I struggled a couple times trying hard to make sure I didn't bump him, and I'd bump the rope or struggle with my breathing and get messed up. Is it wrong to think it sure would be nice for the elderly couple to keep swimming together since they just float back and forth? Long story longer, the Masters squad that uses the first two lanes stretches for over 30 minutes each day beside the pool, but still have the first two lanes closed even though they aren't using them. Would it be rude to ask the coach if I can use one of their lanes if I get out before their done stretching? I know basically the exact time they get in the pool each day.* Soon I'm sure I'll be asking technique questions, because I could definitely use the help there too!*
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Thanks for the responses. I showed up this morning and it was a different lifeguard than the normal one that's been there every other time. He was awesome. As soon as I started walking towards the pool he walked up to me and actually suggested going in the Masters lanes until they were done stretching. It worked out perfect. So now my new plan is to get there when it opens, which will give me 30 minutes in the Masters lane, which is plenty of time for me right now. Try to take-off so that you pass mid-lap and not just before he is coming into the wall. This is exactly what I did. I'm sure he was fine, and it's more just me being in my own head since I'm a beginner.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Thanks for the responses. I showed up this morning and it was a different lifeguard than the normal one that's been there every other time. He was awesome. As soon as I started walking towards the pool he walked up to me and actually suggested going in the Masters lanes until they were done stretching. It worked out perfect. So now my new plan is to get there when it opens, which will give me 30 minutes in the Masters lane, which is plenty of time for me right now. Try to take-off so that you pass mid-lap and not just before he is coming into the wall. This is exactly what I did. I'm sure he was fine, and it's more just me being in my own head since I'm a beginner.
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