Cardiac Swimmers

Looking for cardiac athletes. I belong to a couple online groups of athletes who all have had some sort of heart surgery. Bypass, stent, pacemaker, valve replacement, or aneurysm. They are mostly runners, but many cycle, ski, climb mountains, play team sports, etc. We wrote a book about our experiences. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any swimmers who have come back to competition after heart surgery. I had a mechanical aortic valve replacement 25 years ago and continued to do road and track races and shot put. I only recently got more serious about swimming and wonder whether there are any others.
  • Now, that's what I'm talking about. Not that I've seen a cardiac world record holder before, but there are many people like Larry who came back to see great success. It's quite normal now for athletic people to resume right where they left off. The book I referenced earlier came out of the interaction we had through the online Cardiac Athletes web site and Facebook pages. My procedure was done at a time when most doctors told you to take it easy for the rest of your life. Getting back into any sport was rare because it was roundly discouraged. So I returned to activity very slowly and tentatively. I was fortunate to have found a cardiologist who supported it.
  • Now, that's what I'm talking about. Not that I've seen a cardiac world record holder before, but there are many people like Larry who came back to see great success. It's quite normal now for athletic people to resume right where they left off. The book I referenced earlier came out of the interaction we had through the online Cardiac Athletes web site and Facebook pages. My procedure was done at a time when most doctors told you to take it easy for the rest of your life. Getting back into any sport was rare because it was roundly discouraged. So I returned to activity very slowly and tentatively. I was fortunate to have found a cardiologist who supported it.
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