Have you ever noticed that some people get an instant boost from putting on paddles while others don't?
I swim with a training partner and we both hold around 1:10 "threshold" pace (per 100 yards) in training. When we put on paddles and do (as an example) 200s on the 2:35, I'll start out holding 2:25-2:30 and eventually tire out to the point of being touch and go. My training partner will hold 1:05-1:10 pretty comfortably.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how this relates to training and racing? Is more paddle swimming going to make me a faster swimmer? Is it irrelevant to swimming speed without paddles? Does this indicate that I need to do more lifting to get my lats and triceps stronger?
Anyone have any advice on training with paddles or stories about how paddle work has affected their racing?
Former Member
I used these agility type hand paddles ($10) the first time today, and they're great.
They were very easy to use from the start, and keep me in a good position to get stronger.
I used these agility type hand paddles ($10) the first time today, and they're great.
They were very easy to use from the start, and keep me in a good position to get stronger.