Starting Over

Shoulder surgery has kept me out of the pool for five months. I now have the go-ahead from my doc to start swimming, but I'm afraid I've lost my sewing mojo. There was a point not long ago when I couldn't wait to get back into the pool, but for some reason it seems like I'm starting all over again. When I had to stop, I was swimming a mile several times a week (for me that's a lot), but now I'm thinking I'll be good to make it one lap. I also had a bad onset of vertigo recently and I'm worried that it might come back when I swim. Though I think it was swimming that kept it from happening for so long. If anyone has been through a long layoff, I'd like to hear how you motivated yourself to get back to the pool.
  • Yes, last year I was out of the pool for about 6 months as I coached our team until we could hire a professional coach. I was iching to get back into the water for pure solace and to get the weight I'd gained off, but at the same time, I was so down knowing that I'd be back to square one. Once I hit the water again, it was a fantastic feeling, like I hadn't left, but honestly, the next 2 months were really, really tough trying to get back to fighting shape again. At least once a week I was in tears getting out of the pool with frustration. But they were fighting tears. The best thing I did, though, is to put a goal out there to tackle and keep myself focused on not giving up. You're an OW swimmer and it's a great time to get yourself in the pool and ready for a summer race. Get an entry paid for and use it as your target. You can do it, Denise. :) And for the vertigo, avoid doing flips for a while and just use the open turns for a while.
  • Every journey begins with the first step. In this case, you are stepping into the pool. If all you can do today is a bunch of 25's with a lot of rest in between, then so be it. Tomorrow, the amount of rest you will need may be less. Before you know it, you will have your mojo back. Treat yourself to a fun new suit or swim cap for motivation.
  • Thanks, flystorm. I don't do flips anyway because I never learned to tumble even as a kid, and I've never competed. It's just getting out there and taking that first dunk that's making me nervous. I've gained weight from the inactivity. My doc says to push myself and I'll be back in shape by the spring. But it seems so far off (maybe because it's 20 degrees here). I appreciate your comments and feedback and am glad that you are back doing what you love.
  • It's just like riding a bike... just wetter. :) You'll get in the pool and remember how good it felt.
  • After my 6 year break I: - Registered for a meet 3 months out in a totally unusual event for me. I picked 400 IM because practicing for it would work endurance and hit all the strokes. I did better than I thought I would with only 3 months but it wasn't easy seeing slow progress. I'm REALLY glad I picked an off event so there would be no expectations in my head for time. - Use the coached workouts here for a bit if you don't have the confidence to get back with a team. Tackle them at your pace with the breaks you need and focus on form. - Get a new fun swim toy you've been wanting or reward yourself with one. Swim MP3 player was my "I'm getting back and doing this!" toy.
  • I bet swimming will make you feel better just by being back in the water ! Start easy and like what you do.
  • Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement and support. I got to the pool today and swam a little, the first time since my shoulder surgery in August. Even though I'm quite sore now, it felt great just getting into the pool and remembering why I love this sport so much.
  • Even though I'm quite sore now, it felt great just getting into the pool and remembering why I love this sport so much. That's great to hear! Keep reminding yourself that you are just starting out. Avoid the temptation to compare yourself to where you were before. I know it's not easy!
  • So happy to see that you are back in the water again, Denise! Taking it one step at a time and being as consistent as you can will really help you to make swimming part of your routine again. Focus on building your technical base first, so that you can have a good stroke that will keep you injury-free as you continue to increase yardage. The forum can be the best place to keep getting encouragement and motivation on this journey. Good luck and most importantly - enjoy!