Recognition Rings?

Jim Miller addressed the issue of recognition rings for people to represent different award categories or to denote positions within our organization in the latest USMS executive meeting minutes (located Here). While I applaud the openess of our managment, I still have to ask the question: Why do we need rings in the first place? The pro's are we are giving somthing nice to those people who have served USMS well or otherwise extra-ordinary service. The con's are much more numerous: 1) Why spend the money to do this when we can certainly find other uses for it? 2) If people are that critical to the organization, then they should already know how integral they are. 3) Any time an item is given to denote someones position in an organization, a level of elitism inevidably creeps in. While it is tempting to do this simple gesture because people volunteer and should feel recognized - Isn't it more that we feel good because we participate and promote an activity important in our lives? Pretty easy to see where I fall on this issue, but I am interested in knowing what other peoples view points on "rings of recognition." As a sport why do we need this symbolic gesture? If anything, we should give them to people who donate money to the endowment fund... Chris B.
  • Micheal - All good points. If people have the opportunity to buy the rings after they have reached a certain level, then my whole post is moot. I would like to clarify my own message though. I volunteer my time for the niagara LMSC, and I certainly appreciate praise when it is given to me. A heartfelt thank you is free - my issue more centered around the monetary end of rewards/awards. Elitism in a grass roots organization such as USMS has the potential to motivate people to participate - but there are down sides elitism. Being aware of the negative aspects is crucial. Chris B
  • Micheal - All good points. If people have the opportunity to buy the rings after they have reached a certain level, then my whole post is moot. I would like to clarify my own message though. I volunteer my time for the niagara LMSC, and I certainly appreciate praise when it is given to me. A heartfelt thank you is free - my issue more centered around the monetary end of rewards/awards. Elitism in a grass roots organization such as USMS has the potential to motivate people to participate - but there are down sides elitism. Being aware of the negative aspects is crucial. Chris B
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