Freestyle Flip Turn Question regarding New FINA IM Rules

I read the following PDF regarding the updated rule and interpretation for the freestyle portion of the IM: My question is regarding the freestyle flip turn. When you turn, you flip onto your back, push off and start twisting to the proper position for freestyle. It usually happens fairly fast so you're not completely on the back for any more than one kick worth at the most and by then you've begun rotating to the side. Honestly, I still flip slightly diagonally, so my feet land a bit off-horizontal but I've been working on correcting it to what has been shown to me as a more proper technique. But I know as soon as I post this notice for my masters team on Wednesday, they are going to ask the same questions. I would assume that this position of being on the back is normal in freestyle and wouldn't constitute backstroke swimming but I've been wrong plenty of times in trying to interpret rules. But it gets me into wondering, what's going to be the line between a normal freestyle flip turn and too much time on your back? Obviously, no SDK-ing on your back down the length of the pool but exactly how fast does that twist need to be? Is there a standpoint from the officials on this yet? Thanks in advance!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    What a mess!! I just read that NO dolphin kick in the *** pull out - is that correct?? In breaststroke its allowed, but apparently not in IM with this rule change. It makes no sense.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    I was made aware of this thread on the USMS forums and wanted to respond. I do not regularly monitor this forum, so we will use the Rules Committee Blog on the USMS web site to post information and answers to frequently asked questions. I will do a blog post shortly to repeat these points which I hope will answer some questions raised in this forum. My goal will be to begin using the rules blog on a more regular basis for information. The rules committee blog can be found here: New rules interpretations that are more restrictive than previous interpretations always generate many questions and many times very lively discussions! We often times engage in “what if” scenarios that go well beyond the written interpretation or intent of the action. With this ruling in particular, I know that many people have very passionate opinions about the nature of this action from FINA. But, if we focus on the interpretation itself and put aside questions about FINA’s motivation and what they may or may not do in the future, I believe we will find that the interpretation is more narrowly focused than this discussion indicates. I encourage everyone to read the text of the USMS interpretation to conform to the FINA ruling on the USMS web site which should answer many of the questions raised in this forum: To answer some of the questions posed in this forum, This recent interpretation deals only with the freestyle leg of the Individual Medley and Medley Relay. The interpretation only clarifies what it means to be swimming backstroke (in other words, repeating this stroke) during the freestyle leg. There is no change to the rules or interpretations regarding the use of butterfly kick or breaststroke kick during the freestyle leg. A swimmer who kicks butterfly off of the wall after the ***-to-free transition or after a freestyle turn has not committed an infraction and is not subject to disqualification. There are no changes to the rules for the backstroke leg of the race, including the turns, and the back-to-*** transition. There is a recent blog post answering questions about the back to *** transition here: There are no changes to the rules for the butterfly or breaststroke legs or any of the other stroke transitions. Officials are not being asked to be more discerning in judging ***-to-free transitions or freestyle turns in the IM. In the case of freestyle turns, the interpretation does mean that a swimmer who leaves the wall on (or toward) the back after a freestyle turn would be considered an infraction. However, keep in mind that observations resulting in disqualifications must be definitive and must clear a “benefit of the doubt” standard. Officials should be judging the turns by focusing on observing a legal touch first (by looking down at the wall). Once a legal touch is observed, the official would then shift their viewpoint to observe the swimmer leaving the wall. A disqualification for swimming backstroke during the freestyle leg would need to be very clear and it is not likely that a slight turning motion after the feet leave the wall to quickly orient the swimmer towards the *** would be enough to constitute a DQ. The official would have to observe the swimmer moving through the water on their back in order to constitute a disqualification. I hope this serves to answer some of the questions posed in this forum, but please see the rules committee blog or e-mail specific questions to Charles Cockrell USMS Rules Committee Chair
  • Thank you Charles. I know that FINA dealt the cards and we just have to play them as best we can. It seems like you are saying that if we do a flip turn as most were taught, with a push off on the back, we are illegal, but if we turn toward the *** quickly we probably won't be DQd. After our age group team had several meets I asked the coach what had been happening with this rule change. He had gotten a chance to ask a senior USA-S official about it and what he described was something very similar. That they seem to be focusing more on the intent to swim backstroke more than the specific action of flipping directly over and pushing off on the back. He's instructed his swimmers to make every dolphin work to slowly turn towards the side and get to the side in 3 or less. He said there has been at least one DQ he has seen (not his team) from flipping directly on the back but overwhelmingly this has not been the case and most officials seem to be focusing on an obvious attempt to swim on the back for several meters and are erring in favor of the swimmer. I've convinced one of my swimmers to race the 4-IM for the first time next week and if this advice is not correct I am going to be steaming mad.
  • Thank you Charles. I know that FINA dealt the cards and we just have to play them as best we can. It seems like you are saying that if we do a flip turn as most were taught, with a push off on the back, we are illegal, but if we turn toward the *** quickly we probably won't be DQd.
  • ... they seem to be focusing more on the intent to swim backstroke more than the specific action of flipping directly over and pushing off on the back. .... The problem with the above advice (my italics for emphasis) is that a stroke judge cannot judge intent, they can only judge what they see objectively. I would not count on any interpretation based on intent. To do so will cost someone a DQ. Better to train your swimmer to add a quarter or half twist to the turn at this point so they do not end up on their back at all. My two cents...
  • The problem with the above advice (my italics for emphasis) is that a stroke judge cannot judge intent, they can only judge what they see objectively. I would not count on any interpretation based on intent. To do so will cost someone a DQ. That's what I don't like about it, either. You can't make a rule that essentially says "You can't swim backstroke during the freestyle leg of an IM. What's backstroke? Well, you'll know it when you see it."