Freestyle Flip Turn Question regarding New FINA IM Rules

I read the following PDF regarding the updated rule and interpretation for the freestyle portion of the IM: My question is regarding the freestyle flip turn. When you turn, you flip onto your back, push off and start twisting to the proper position for freestyle. It usually happens fairly fast so you're not completely on the back for any more than one kick worth at the most and by then you've begun rotating to the side. Honestly, I still flip slightly diagonally, so my feet land a bit off-horizontal but I've been working on correcting it to what has been shown to me as a more proper technique. But I know as soon as I post this notice for my masters team on Wednesday, they are going to ask the same questions. I would assume that this position of being on the back is normal in freestyle and wouldn't constitute backstroke swimming but I've been wrong plenty of times in trying to interpret rules. But it gets me into wondering, what's going to be the line between a normal freestyle flip turn and too much time on your back? Obviously, no SDK-ing on your back down the length of the pool but exactly how fast does that twist need to be? Is there a standpoint from the officials on this yet? Thanks in advance!
  • frank, you need to read rule 101.4.3 Durning the turn the shoulders may be turned past the vertical towards the ***, after which an immediate continuous single arm pull or an immediate continuous double arm pull maybe used to initiate the turn. VERY LEGAL on any backstroke turn of the 400 IM (both) and 200 IM scy. so here we have that it is perfectly legal to be on your *** for backstroke and even taking an arm pull, but you can NOT be on your back at any point during the freestyle of an IM.
  • frank, you need to read rule 101.4.3 Durning the turn the shoulders may be turned past the vertical towards the ***, after which an immediate continuous single arm pull or an immediate continuous double arm pull maybe used to initiate the turn. VERY LEGAL on any backstroke turn of the 400 IM (both) and 200 IM scy. so here we have that it is perfectly legal to be on your *** for backstroke and even taking an arm pull, but you can NOT be on your back at any point during the freestyle of an IM.
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