Swimming in sewage in Rio

I wasn't sure if this should go in the open water section or here but it is about swimming.I just read this-bigstory.ap.org/.../ap-investigation-rios-olympic-water-rife-sewage-virus and am worried for our open water swimmers. What a terrible predicament,work for years to go to the Olympics and then get really really sick. This is a black eye on the IOC,who like FINA, is more interested in politics and patronage than athletes.
  • But they (the IOC) are so pathetic it is funny. A(nother) perfect example is in this morning's newspaper. In a small sidebar article about the 2022 Winter Games being awarded to Beijing...the last sentense reads: "The Chinese capital, which hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, came in to the vote as the strong favorite, despite its lack of natural snow." So just great. They picked a city to host the winter games that doesn't get snow. You think there's no skullduggery going on there? Dan Un-*&%$@^#-believable! When my husband told me about this after reading about it in USA Today, all I could say is :censor: ​! :shakeshead:
  • But they (the IOC) are so pathetic it is funny. A(nother) perfect example is in this morning's newspaper. In a small sidebar article about the 2022 Winter Games being awarded to Beijing...the last sentense reads: "The Chinese capital, which hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, came in to the vote as the strong favorite, despite its lack of natural snow." So just great. They picked a city to host the winter games that doesn't get snow. You think there's no skullduggery going on there? Dan Un-*&%$@^#-believable! When my husband told me about this after reading about it in USA Today, all I could say is :censor: ​! :shakeshead:
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