Sore shoulders from kicking with a kick board

Other than stop using a kick board does anyone have any ideas on how to reduce shoulder soreness associated with using a kick board. We have been really working on kick as part of our LCM training this season and my quads are sore but by far and a way my shoulders hurt the most. During the kick set I am fine but a few hours later my shoulders are stiff and sore.
  • I like the board for kicking too, but I have to use it with a snorkel
  • If someone wants a very small kick board, here's another option: Sporti has a "hybrid pull kickboard". It's a tiny kickboard that is shaped, front and back, to also be a pull buoy. I borrowed one a couple of days ago, and thought is was fine as a small kickboard. It's stream lined, so would be good for side or underwater kicking, as well as normal kicking. And it really is small for a kickboard. But as a pull buoy, I didn't like it much. Maybe because I'm short (5'4") and have relatively short legs besides, but it was a little too long for me (though I could use it) and the shape was such that I had to think more than I wanted to about not losing it when I flip turned. As a test, I kicked a couple laps with my Finis pull buoy. It had just a little more buoyancy than the Sporti hybird, but would be really bad at stream lined kicking on my side or underwater. But it was fine as a small kickboard for "normal" kicking. I thought the hybrid kick board/pull buoy was a great idea, even though I don't like this one enough as a pull buoy to buy one. I expect a lot a people (who are taller than me) will love it.
  • The only time I would miss the board is in so-called "social" kick sets, but since I'm antisocial, that's no problem either. :)
  • As a swim coach of 34 HS seasons and in Masters for 29 years, I do not use a kick board. I feel if you want to work on your kick , why are you artificially holding up your body in a non streamline position to hold something? You can also work your turns with proper turns in all strokes without that thing in your hands. Try just kicking to help the shoulders.
  • I used to have a kick board like this, but I gave it away to a buddy of mine who wanted to start swimming. I liked the "handles" at the bottom of the kick board. This type of kick board gives you a lot of options on how to grasp it while swimming.
  • dear Mr. McRib(let) take up full contact checkers or chess or with you being a national champion backstroker, i thought maybe you would already know to simply kick on your back! jeez gotta tell you youngsters everything! sincerely, gasping from a lake at 6300 feet
  • Because of the shoulder strain,and the fact that using a kick board moves you into an unstreamlined position, I almost never use one. Instead I kick using my snorkel. I stopped using a kick board for the same reason; however, I don't use a snorkel either. Kicking with my face in the water and having one arm in front allows me to work on both my breathing and rotation (when I turn to breathe). Besides, I like to listen to the sound of the bubbles when I breathe out my mouth and nose; it relaxes me. :agree: dear Mr. McRib(let) take up full contact checkers or chess or with you being a national champion backstroker, i thought maybe you would already know to simply kick on your back! jeez gotta tell you youngsters everything! sincerely, gasping from a lake at 6300 feet :hijack: Sunruh, I thought of you and your Blue Bell addiction when we were on our 47-day road trip. We had Hershey Ice Cream (no relation to Hershey Chocolate, and the company is older, too- 1894,), and we both thought it was better than Blue Bell. Have you ever tried it? Check it out when you're if you are ever in the northeast. The "Moose Tracks" flavor is AWESOME! :bliss:
  • i did a little kicking and swimming down south...the deep SOUTH little did i know that they dont have any oxygen that far south and turned into a fish out of water gasping for air the entire time. i did manage to have some ice cream while i was there....not close to even the mid-grade ice creams (dryers, hagendas....) here in the usa but it served its purpose. the flavors were....well not what i associate with chocolate or mocha or ... anything. lol. moose tracks usually has peanuts...pass...i go for real nuts grown from a tree not fake nuts grown in the dirt. as we all grow older (dang nabbit!!!!) we have to learn how our bodies re-act to all this overhead arm use. if it hurts change what you do or dont do it at all. shoulder injuries (unfortunately now im an expert on them) can kind of ruin the whole training/racing aspect of swimming. i use a kickboard that has been sawed in 2/3rds length wise. it floats just enough to keep me barely above the water but not exert upward pressure on my shoulders. and i kick with my face in the water and use a finis snorkle. everyone is unique and they need to find what works for them. the McRib is "unique" in so many ways...he has some bionic parts in his shoulder as well. Primer Lugar Since I did not swim in Colombia a mile above sea level I will be the first to ask, what's the big deal? It's not like you swam any tough races like the 200 fly, 200 free, 400 free, open water? Hang on a second that's exactly what you did!!!! I am not sure about eating nuts in ice cream you are nuts doing that lineup. The craziest part is you won everything you swam in and swum some great times for sea level swims let alone altitude swims. You are a little Ewok but you are a very very fast little Ewok my friend. :bow:
  • hey now i am a sprinter!!! man i only rate as a small ewok? jeez Lurch i thought we were better friends than that! aiWGoRtfe23J7wxgyASdM54Nc7 ImPuuRlmcjHOSf7CofctHIu0cBgSD5nyzRqQbsri51nX2kup2aC3Te/TO3yVfeSQMCvL ee91WG1gCd28oD92x5yeFJHJ RrrZKLDSmuthZrnCRj dyT 96jp9PjRLSNPeGQzZzImVLBMsXIBYj34IUenNQcUvHtdcWF5MW4wmEGEUklRgDz5z96malr9wmuXS7wkkWEXI6Ann6nP2x0FPn0mM3kbxALK8qziPOThRuGft96idprfurqO77lTiIrMMcsnXHxFBOuL3/AE67WcM5tpeHRvFg5PI hz0yR5ZFTDaDY9za3sndEbxsbcvyqNZgXOmmCXxKFGJAOsb5APxBUZ/pHvrhZIbO8EaZSKciORM8Ekfvfb48CoCNus91BDN7UwDLkZUGnT284ljlR43dVKkMMZFPtorm3gjhNruVBgMrjn5UO1PWELSW6RvHIg8e7y dGQC23y3N8jNuVXAGeccVLt/2JzGAG Apo02OO4llS6uY 9OWAAP5rrb2Ld mL RwWHhaIZPuyK0oXq8u6aeV2G/henU9K520KmRA4yTJGRj3df8APdXbtBZS280kpBaNpC4Pp7qhWtyGuTcSEiNIwT8c81BYrpY5rS1jgUr3NypIIyMdc/UH60deFINHmuo ojYbs5C5ABP4NAtF7V6fB4b7TrhYScd DnHvxWgaYumX8Sm3MU9rcAoWQ FgR0PoaysV/TQ18015C3L2wCAAZVSc/XxAfKvbyCC9trxDwLdnjJ8lASMqB8iT/wDVGU0tdG1NYIoW9nkXu4pNh6dQjEeecjnrlajrpYt9RuvAwt7vBYEZB64ceuAxUj30UPhs47W9hsBtDtao3ddeNxP/AGIqJLbiO6llA3bLg7PUgMCfy1WnV9GYana6tAPHGndTAkeJPI9fLJ/wUIuCIb27LjC25D9PLzqoh6trkECMLcF5MkdMYqo3skxhXwne0Tyk ZPlU9LeVkkubhc7z4Rnp8ffQ22uJbrWGmTAtrcGJvgBk1Uc5u09ptGxXJ9CK7dndZN/q0UITaFVn5 g 5FUl2LOSepo52LlVO0ECNx3ytEDnGG6j7qB86tXF51GOO7SeB0DW6kIG82bqT KAT6S8yGC0jLEHJ5 maPTyezXns7HKvJuXI/dz5e i jWiTSNCpIJ8QNZSKjo/ZmW 0S91K71Ixx2yP8A PCm9iV8uehOOPzQrs7rt7od20tqHktyQssTDGfTPoa2GPs/GX71UeJyeWgk2Z lR9c7O2l1E7zxNvAy0zvmQ/P/AIPFXWnLTe2VnqOnzPM8ceIyCrnBHx9KbdfqHoEcYh7ySeZTgJChJY 49KndkNGjg0uaFohl92cjkZ8qfZ2b6DdCXTdOtRvySR zZ89Rux7ulQVZ/wBQrnUJWgtBBYLkrtl8Tn3YNSbaK51LT9TuWYROEXJK5EuAMqPTIB5561N1PspFqMad5BMHDsd9xIZGG4g4zgYAxxR2e3S27OGBlC ARjbxnjH fCiM8upDFZvMi5OOE9T6UBuLVrLs/Gpyk9xIFkb0LHmrRLE1pd Ncpu548vUVJ1nRY9RtUWIhX3q/wAcHNNMY2QM16pKkMpKkHIIOCDXXuH/AJW ledy/wDIa2Dtt2hvLuWCG62SEsAZMYYnyJ8qv/ZbVo1vYlc J Kymzwl9bhuveqMfMVeuyUK3OswxSHAGSflWaNgW7hjhMkrhUFAtR1D2yJ3twe6B2/1HNB9buikaxpODOyhtrnkIR/D6D3 dAPb3gKq5lTkBFT I WBUVp/ZqOZbSQy9SM1OUJIu2QAqaCadqepvpsSR6XL3zhVLSMEX o5OcY92anA3EVxKsijDKHGOmRwcfahiaywxgnAHqRQfXp0UQWp/edTIR/KB0/P2qD2l1s6ZYS3G4ApgLkZGScVTtM1ufVLuW4urgyz78FiMDb5ADyFAdv4VeHLAErz8adA4e2QxnJVsAjzFNblRnxDPQ1HtJO7udmeGOOnANRGQvcAMf2pIA4xUeS6YjCsfiTUTPNeiugsvYXTW1LtBA5XfFbZmkyOuAdo bYFG9Hmay1ONx64ov8ApJahdJu7rHiknCA48lGfy1e9o9IOnawHRcQTsXiPkPVfl MVkqX2i0G11kWOrx3DQzRQpGOAVcqxOGHw/NH zmjySIhs5ktJsjem4vHICDyM9RwPT30BtEuJk7mFWcKd yp n3Go6dJ3EthNLak58K7tp8 P7UIs15fapodsbnVbOGWyjB3z2z/7YzjJBAwPrUiz1S31O2gvLVi0Lhv3hgjrkY IqPp8/tgBaF4wP4XUjH1PFdLxUtoysICIuec4Az1orPv1A1 XT57S2tnAkcGWUEA HooI OfpVPs9cEOoG7ZVy3Dqg25of2k1X/Vtcu71TmJn2w/ scL9evzoU7Hdmri1qlj2l0y7VQbjunPVZRj79Kmb42nimikVl71fErZrH1lIrqty6EFXKkeYOKmMoIpy00U4Voan l2t2Fto9xZ3t3b20kc3eKJpAm9SByMnnkfir1dHTdc08xC5hmjOCskMisVbyIwa dRT1GG3AYb1HWpg23Td kakqX4wMbA4HhZfUVc7OC1aPfhGzznOa fIO1mtRaY ntdCeBmRlM673j2nOFY8gHoevHTFEtP7d6xp8ARWicHgKQeKYN79mhVe8iOB5jNZv ruuS6fpttptsdr3wdpHB5EQOCB/UTjPoGqov8AqRr 0qjQJnzCbvycUA7Ra9e9pNTOoalJGZzGsQCLsRFUcADy8z8SaLAs0081754pjVQiK8zSryiGCnLSpUHaJdzAZxV97D/p7H2miMsupPboDgqkIJ6DzJ9/pSpUF57LfpdoEtlPNdCW4k7 WOMyHhFU4HAxk8ZzQtuwugMJozauCu9Q6ytkYzyMkilSojNdd0U6UsLi570SgEApgjjPXPNBeppUqNEPMV5ilSohprw0qVB//9k= right now i'm kind of a furless ewok. ewwwww you remember my blue kickboard right? try a smaller one or if only 1 shoulder hurts try not pulling with that shoulder for the turn with it its not like i did only back kick for 3 years because of shoulder issues.
  • i did a little kicking and swimming down south...the deep SOUTH little did i know that they dont have any oxygen that far south and turned into a fish out of water gasping for air the entire time. i did manage to have some ice cream while i was there....not close to even the mid-grade ice creams (dryers, hagendas....) here in the usa but it served its purpose. the flavors were....well not what i associate with chocolate or mocha or ... anything. lol. moose tracks usually has peanuts...pass...i go for real nuts grown from a tree not fake nuts grown in the dirt. as we all grow older (dang nabbit!!!!) we have to learn how our bodies re-act to all this overhead arm use. if it hurts change what you do or dont do it at all. shoulder injuries (unfortunately now im an expert on them) can kind of ruin the whole training/racing aspect of swimming. i use a kickboard that has been sawed in 2/3rds length wise. it floats just enough to keep me barely above the water but not exert upward pressure on my shoulders. and i kick with my face in the water and use a finis snorkle. everyone is unique and they need to find what works for them. the McRib is "unique" in so many ways...he has some bionic parts in his shoulder as well. Primer Lugar