Sore shoulders from kicking with a kick board

Other than stop using a kick board does anyone have any ideas on how to reduce shoulder soreness associated with using a kick board. We have been really working on kick as part of our LCM training this season and my quads are sore but by far and a way my shoulders hurt the most. During the kick set I am fine but a few hours later my shoulders are stiff and sore.
  • Because of the shoulder strain,and the fact that using a kick board moves you into an unstreamlined position, I almost never use one. Instead I kick using my snorkel. I stopped using a kick board for the same reason; however, I don't use a snorkel either. Kicking with my face in the water and having one arm in front allows me to work on both my breathing and rotation (when I turn to breathe). Besides, I like to listen to the sound of the bubbles when I breathe out my mouth and nose; it relaxes me. :agree: dear Mr. McRib(let) take up full contact checkers or chess or with you being a national champion backstroker, i thought maybe you would already know to simply kick on your back! jeez gotta tell you youngsters everything! sincerely, gasping from a lake at 6300 feet :hijack: Sunruh, I thought of you and your Blue Bell addiction when we were on our 47-day road trip. We had Hershey Ice Cream (no relation to Hershey Chocolate, and the company is older, too- 1894,), and we both thought it was better than Blue Bell. Have you ever tried it? Check it out when you're if you are ever in the northeast. The "Moose Tracks" flavor is AWESOME! :bliss:
  • Because of the shoulder strain,and the fact that using a kick board moves you into an unstreamlined position, I almost never use one. Instead I kick using my snorkel. I stopped using a kick board for the same reason; however, I don't use a snorkel either. Kicking with my face in the water and having one arm in front allows me to work on both my breathing and rotation (when I turn to breathe). Besides, I like to listen to the sound of the bubbles when I breathe out my mouth and nose; it relaxes me. :agree: dear Mr. McRib(let) take up full contact checkers or chess or with you being a national champion backstroker, i thought maybe you would already know to simply kick on your back! jeez gotta tell you youngsters everything! sincerely, gasping from a lake at 6300 feet :hijack: Sunruh, I thought of you and your Blue Bell addiction when we were on our 47-day road trip. We had Hershey Ice Cream (no relation to Hershey Chocolate, and the company is older, too- 1894,), and we both thought it was better than Blue Bell. Have you ever tried it? Check it out when you're if you are ever in the northeast. The "Moose Tracks" flavor is AWESOME! :bliss:
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