Coming back after pinched nerve?

Former Member
Former Member
About a month ago I developed horrible nerve pain in my right arm - so much so that I was uncomfortable all the time and couldn't sleep. I saw the doctor, a massage therapist and a chiropractor and was diagnosed with a compressed (pinched) nerve between C5-C7. (not sure exactly where as the pain and numbness has changed, no MRI done) The pain has mostly subsided but my current problem is the weak pull I have on that side. My normal activities are not really effected but my pull is so weak! I have still been swimming 3-4 times a week with a strong focus on kicking until I am fully healed. Did strength come back on its own or did you do PT? What kind of time frame? Any advice is appreciated!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hey Elaine! Thanks for the information. I knew physical therarpy is something I have to continue but had not thought about how long I would have to keep doing the exercises. I have started some PT and it is getting better. (very slowly) I guess I am just impatient! We have crossed paths at several meets but never actually met. I recognized you from your profile pic! In the article you submitted for the newsletter I am in one of the photos. :) (wearing a US Masters cap)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hey Elaine! Thanks for the information. I knew physical therarpy is something I have to continue but had not thought about how long I would have to keep doing the exercises. I have started some PT and it is getting better. (very slowly) I guess I am just impatient! We have crossed paths at several meets but never actually met. I recognized you from your profile pic! In the article you submitted for the newsletter I am in one of the photos. :) (wearing a US Masters cap)
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