Women's polyester swimsuit recommendations

Hey folk, First, to moderators--I'm not sure if this is swimming related enough to be in this section. Please feel free to move as needed. To all... Another suit is about to bite the dust--fortunately I bought it on sale for less than $30, so I'm not complaining too much. HOWEVER, now that it's time to buy a new suit, I'm thinking I want to get something polyester, as it will last longer. The last polyester suit I had lasted me a couple years (although admittedly, I was on and off with swimming during that period). That suit fit well b/c I was able to go to a swim shop and try suits on. That's how I prefer to buy them but the only swim shop in my area that sells polyester suits is also a trek from where I live and I don't have a lot of running around time. So in the interest of time, I probably do have to order something online and wanted to get some opinions on polyester suits that last well AND aren't too high cut (first polyester suit I had I bought online and wasn't crazy about that aspect of it). I'm not 16 and while reasonably slim, I don't feel like showing too much of myself (ha!). What suit(s) have you had success with? What suits would you stay away from? Thanks for any info! p.s. If I get lycra suits, I tend to get dark colors so that when they fade, there's still plenty of "dark" left. But they still don't last long enough.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    They are not for everyone but I am a huge fan of Dolfin Uglies. They seem to last FOREVER! My daughters wore theirs 4-5x/week and the strap stitching wore out before the colors faded! I have also worn them and they are so comfortable! I have also had good luck with the TYR durafast suits. I scored 2 on sale for super cheap that I rotate and they are both holding up well. (just a little stretched out)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    They are not for everyone but I am a huge fan of Dolfin Uglies. They seem to last FOREVER! My daughters wore theirs 4-5x/week and the strap stitching wore out before the colors faded! I have also worn them and they are so comfortable! I have also had good luck with the TYR durafast suits. I scored 2 on sale for super cheap that I rotate and they are both holding up well. (just a little stretched out)
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