Training for 500 Free

Former Member
Former Member
Hello, all: I just recently joined these forums but was hoping I could get some tips on how to improve my 500 free. My current times lie around 5:40 (PR is 5:35), usually with my split from a dive being around 28.00 then having the rest of my splits level off to around 34.00-35.00. My goal is to have my time down to a 5:25 by memorial day weekend (15 weeks), and eventually down to under 5:00, although I haven't set a time for that. I currently swim 3800-4200 5 days a week with no real focus in my workouts. I plan to up my workouts gradually so that I'm swimming around 30,000 yards a week (up from 20,000). What things should I be focusing on in my workouts to help my splits? Are there any specific aspects of swimming that I should be focusing on for the 500? Thanks, bow
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    it is the only way to get faster. Never a true statement.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I'll leave comments on training to others but you definitely should slow down on the first 50. You shouldn't be 6-7 seconds faster. Aim for about 3 seconds and your overall race should be faster.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Okay, I'll clarify a few things: First of all, I am a male high school swimmer (sophomore), 6'0" and growing with size 12 feet and hands big enough to palm basketballs so I think I can take high distance and intensity workouts if I really put in the effort. Second of all, I was referring to the 500 yard freestyle, which is the longest available race in high school swimming. Third of all, I usually swim freestyle exclusively, but I think it would be fun to add in another stroke or two (not breaststroke, though). Judging from the comments, I am getting the vibe that I should not necessarily specialize yet as I am so young. And I guess it is much more logical to open myself up to multiple strokes and events by training all around. But I still feel like I belong in the weird space in between sprinters and long distance swimmers. So, modifying my question a bit, how should I train for events LIKE the 500 (yard) freestyle, so that includes things like the 200y/m, 400m/500y etc. swims in different strokes (mostly freestyle but I want to add in back and later fly)? I've read a little about things like USRPT but I'm not 100% sure of its philosophy. But, should I leave days where I do primarily kick, or primarily pull, or mainly distance, or mainly sprints? Thanks, bow
  • Hi Bow, It sounds like you're already working hard. If I were your coach, I would advise you to work smarter in your existing practices rather than adding more workouts. Bodies need rest, and it's better to do fewer practices with excellent technique than to do more yardage and practices with poor technique. In a short course 500 free, turns can make a huge difference. Can you find ways to do them better? Your streamline, your breakout, your pushoff. Rather than do extra practices, I would work every single streamline off the wall during your current practices. Are you doing dolphin kicks off the wall? Are you getting a nice line off the wall that enables you to get the most from your pushoff by minimizing resistance? Then there is the whole area of stroke technique. Can your coach take a look and offer some tips? How is your body position? Are your hips high? Where are your eyes focused? So much to think about, which makes the sport so interesting. You mentioned you do mainly freestyle. I would also suggest adding different strokes to your repertoire. For variety, fun, and to prevent injury from too much repetitive motion. Backstroke, for example, is a great complement to freestyle. Finally, high school swimming should be fun. It's a place where you can make lifelong friends. Relays are the best. Practice relay starts with your teammates, cheer for your teammates, and enjoy those duel meets. Best wishes, have fun, and please keep us posted!
  • All good doubt. But this thread seems to be all over the place. More yardage; more rest; more USRPT; more traditional training; more stroke variety; more technique concentration; more teamwork. Depending on the swimmer...they're all good suggestions. But I think every swimmer has a different background, different natural abilities, and a different work ethic. What is a good proven regime for one swimmer may not work with another. Perhaps the best thing for young bow to do is work with a good coach, preferably one that knows him, and have that coach evaluate him, set realistic goals, and prescribe a training regiment that works best for him. Dan
  • On another note - please fill in your "view profile" to include info about yourself. That will help us in understanding your background.
  • Here's a set for you. Once or twice a week do 20 X 50 on :45 and try to hold :32s.