My goals for 2015, any advice?

Former Member
Former Member
50m free - 00:27 100m free - 00:59 200m free - 02:07 400m free - 04:37 750m free - 09:17 1500m free - 18:59 I am hoping to reach or exceed these times by the end of 2015. Has anybody got any advice? Maybe a few good sets/sessions? Thanks, TSB
  • It's complicated metabolic stuff which I only have a vague understanding of, but the principal physiological goal of USRPT is to convert, through a pariticular training process, Type IIb muscle fibers, which are fast twitch anaerobic, into Type IIa, which are fast twitch fibers that run on oxygen. This stimulation occurs in the threshold zone between aerobic and anaerobic. USRPT sets are designed to keep you in that threshold zone as long as possible. Its like a hybrid metabolism; anaerobic muscle fibers that actually run on oxygen. AEROBIC NOT ENOUGH.pdf
  • Hi Goals are just targets. They specify your desire, your intentions, and the ability you hope to develop from training. What matters are: 1) your starting point (your current ability), do fast swims for time. write them down and retest from time to time. 2) your technique (Are you making any errors?) 3) your training: How many times a week? How many meters in each practice? what kind of sets are you doing? Are you training alone or with a group? Are you coached? 4) what suit do you wear in races? Tech suits make a difference. Don't train in them, but get a good suit for your meets, races, and occasional fast practice swims for time. here's some info that might help you:
  • The 20 seconds rest is specifically chosen because it's not enough for you to fully recover your oxygen debt, but you get just enough recovery to be able to perform well over the race distance at actual race pace in a semi-fatigued state similar to what you'll experience in the race. Given that your current 200 is ~2:19, I'd suggest a target time of :35 on the 50's with an interval if :55. On the 75's I'd suggest a :56 target and a 1:15 interval.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Thanks for that great advice Gary! You obviously know what you are talking about. I have come across Ultra Short Race Pace recently, haven't given it a go yet though, I will probably try it tonight using the session you just gave me. Just one question, wouldn't 30 x 50m be training your anaerobic system rather than your aerobic system? Thanks again TSB
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I am not an expert on USRPT, but 30 repetition with only 20sec rest is definitly aerobic and not anaerobic. To train your anareobic system, you need to be ale to push as much as you can each rep, which you can never do 30 time with only 20sec.
  • I managed 12 of the 30 x 50m's. I did each one on 35Do you mean you held 35's on 0:55? That would be 2:20 200m race pace. You would likely benefit from USRP if you enjoy the work Allen mentioned a HIT set? What is HIT? High intensity training, a favorite among the sprinters:)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Allen mentioned a HIT set? What is HIT? Has anyone heard of CSS training? What are your views on that? I tried my first USRPT yesterday. I managed 12 of the 30 x 50m's. I did each one on 35, although my PB for 200m is only 2:28 (quite old). I think USRPT will be very effective in my training :)
  • If I am swimming three times a week, how many USRPT sessions should I do? Or should all three of my swims be USRPT? Of course being an advocate for USRPT, I think you should do it at every swim practice!
  • Y If I am swimming three times a week, how many USRPT sessions should I do? Or should all three of my swims be USRPT? It's all I do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I know it sounds counterintuitive to train for 200's by swimming 50's, the 750 by swimming 75's, and the 1500 by swimming 100's. The truth is, however, that it gives you lots of repetition at the actual pace you're going to swim in those races. Not too counter-intuitive in my experience. Whenever I have had PBs at 50/100m I have always had PBs or near PBs at 400/800/1500m too. As you say fast pacing is fast pacing. It leads to fast racing!