What are the descriptions of the 5 basic swimming strokes?

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What are the descriptions of the 5 basic swimming strokes?
  • Here's a try ... The Combat Swim Stroke (CSS). Also known as the Combat Sidestroke, or Combat Swimmer Stroke. It's a funky kind of sidestroke they apparently require Navy Seals to learn. The Combat Swimmer Stroke is a relaxing and very efficient swim stroke that is an updated version of the traditional sidestroke. The CSS is a mix of sidestroke, freestyle and breaststroke. The combat side stroke allows the swimmer to swim more efficiently and reduce the body's profile in the water in order to be less likely to be seen during combat operations if surface swimming is required. Apparently there's a requirement to be able to do 500 yards in 12:30 or less. I run into guys training this every so often. Instructional vid. There's a pretty good underwater sequence beginning at about :45 4lUHudMN1TU This guy does his whole 500 in 6:45. Not a bad time! spayN2MtF_8
  • Maybe add " allowed in competition sanctioned swimming" to limit the 4 strokes. In the IM the last must be "crawl= freestyle"
  • You people are having your own conversation. Orlova is a hacker or robot. Notice they never respond, and all of their initial posts are very generic. I am an administrator on another forum and this is not a good sign. They are testing our defenses to find weaknesses.
  • Another possibility for the 5th stroke: www.youtube.com/watch :applaud: Best video post on the forums in a while. Talk about starting off with a bang, that cracked me up. It also raises possibilities for extending water polo (using firearms) and synchro swimming (with swords). And don't forget using a rope to work on your under waters (while tied up)!