Looking for really good earplugs

I have a perforated eardrum and have recently started swimming again. (I know, maybe I should have repaired the eardrum before getting in the water, but there was no guarantee the repair would work). I'm currently using Mack's, but it's not working to the degree I expected. I'm still getting water in my ear - and it HURTS! Needless to say, I can't keep getting water in my ear (pain aside) I risk infection and other complications. Since the first day, I haven't been able to recreate the "perfect seal" to keep water out. According to product label, I should also be able to get a few uses out of one earplug before requiring a new one...but no luck. Even a new one didn't work as well the second time as it did the first. Disappointing. Can anyone recommend an earplug that's fool proof and will keep water out? Or maybe a trick to how to better use what I've got? (I am following product instructions and not forming the plug to my ear canal. I'm using it as a "cap" to the canal.) I'd appreciate the feedback! :)
  • Surgery was today. So far so good. Doc was able to do the repair from the ear canal (no extra cuts needed) and I only have two stitches behind my ear from the graft. Stitches come out in a week. The packing will be in for about a month (helps holds the graft) and will automatically dissolve. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can still be in the water sometime in November.
  • LOL - I really need to lower expectations... I was so hoping the trip to the doc's office to get stitches out would result in a looksee inside the ear. Awwww shucks! Only the stitches. There were two layers of packing externally. First one came out on its own on Sunday. He won't touch the other layer (directly against the eardrum). I go back in 4 weeks and it'll be the first peek...keeping my fingers crossed that when he looks, he can't see through. :rofl: In the meantime, I count the days. I soooo hope this works. On the agenda for the next follow up - pursue custom earplugs. Already talked to the doc about it and he thought that would be a good idea to help protect the eardrum (even if the repair works). :groovy:
  • What a saga! Thanks for sharing and good luck. Here's hoping you make it back into the water soon.
  • It's 5 weeks post op an the doc still can't see the repair! Had a good follow up yesterday, doc was able to remove some of the packing, however a tiny bit was stuck right to the graft site. Doc didn't want to risk damaging the delicate graft by tugging at something stuck to it. So it's another follow up in 10 days while in the meantime I try to dissolve/soften the remaining packing with Rx eardrops. Sadly, no water (still have to cover the ear in the shower) until the doc can see the graft and confirm the repair. He says this is common and that I'm on track with recovery - no delays. I say I've been out of the water too long and am dying to get back in! LOL Bottom line, if the repair worked, I'm thrilled I did it. Just frustrating as I was so excited to get back into the water after a very long hiatus, this speed bump is making me crazy. Keep your fins crossed I get the green light in 2 weeks!
  • I've tried the custom molded ear plugs by an audiologist, and they leaked. They also told me not to go underwater with them. For years I've been using Mac's Silicon plugs. As soon the plug is not sticky, I use a new one. They're great, I can dive in and even do open water races with no leaking. When you are all healed up give them a try.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I share your frustration. I know what it is like waiting to get back into the water again. It feels like an eternity and even just a whiff of chlorine is enough to give you the shakes and send you into serious withdrawal. Hang in there. Spend your time planning how you are going ease back into it the first month. Plan you workouts, do some reading on technique, go and buy a new suit or some new equipment and watch videos of Ian Thorpe swimming in slow motion and get inspired! Not much longer now!
  • Saga indeed! What I've appreciated during this time is this forum. Our collective experiences, while different, still offer something to all of us when shared. Whether we're winning or struggling, learning or cheering each other on...we're all the same. We're swimmers! And we care about our sport and those who participate. So thanks for encouraging me to keep updating! I had a dream last night...I was swimming (without earplugs) - it was great! My new target date to be back in the water is December 1st and I LOL because it's completely out of my control. Until then, I'll just keep dreaming. :groovy:
  • :bliss: Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! The surgery worked, the eardrum has been repaired successfully! No more precautions to take when showering - what a pain that was! I can get back in the water too! Though I've been cautioned not to "stress" the ear. No airplanes or diving for 6 months - whew, thank goodness I didn't have a trip planned. LOL My plan is to take it easy and get back into a normal morning routine and then get back in the water. December 1st. One more follow up visit in 4 weeks, this one with another hearing test. YAY!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Congratulations on a successful surgery! Welcome back to the pool! :)
  • Interesting update for those following along.... While I haven't been able to get back into the water yet (mostly because of work)... I did have my last post-op follow up that also included a hearing test. <<>> My hearing has been restored to perfect. The minimal loss I did have at the lower range - successfully corrected with the ear drum repair! Oddly enough, I didn't even think the hearing could/would be restored. Wasn't even an expectation. I couldn't be happier! So the big test is still on hold until work settles down...but I had to share this update - just too cool not to! YAY me! :wiggle: