Best swimming "swedish goggles style" goggles?

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Former Member
Hello Summer is coming up and I've always bought some cheap, minimum sunglasses style, goggles that were OK but always broke the strap before the end of the summer. 5 bucks and I was happy with them. I will use these just to swim for fun, no competition or anything and they are hardly used. I just want some minimum protection against the sun but some of all to be comfy and easy to adjust/put on/use. I've spent timeless minutes adjusting goggles back and forth when I could have been swimming. I wouldn't like to spend much on these, at max, 50 bucks. I know you probably use a lot more professional ones but I really don't want to spend more than 20. Like I mention, if they are worth it, 50 bucks max. Thank to everyone for helping and your posts
  • I've been using the swedes for a few years now and really like them. When the straps that comes with them breaks I use bungee straps for replacements. I have found that for long swims (an hour or more continuous) they do become a bit uncomfortable and then I use the Vanquisher or a similar goggle made by Tyr. As far as anti-fog goes, I've been making my own solution for several years and never have a fogging problem. It's an easy mix, 1 oz water, 1 oz rubbing alcohol, and a big drop of baby shampoo. Mix in a small spray bottle and spray on goggles after each use.
  • As far as anti-fog goes, I've been making my own solution for several years and never have a fogging problem. It's an easy mix, 1 oz water, 1 oz rubbing alcohol, and a big drop of baby shampoo. Mix in a small spray bottle and spray on goggles after each use. Do you rinse the solution off with water and wipe the goggles dry afterwards?
  • Do you rinse the solution off with water and wipe the goggles dry afterwards? I don't. After I swim I rinse my goggles in clear water, blot them dry, spray on the solution, and let it dry.
  • i really like the TYR Socket Rockets 2.0 they fit just like the swedish googles i started wearing in the early 80's along with a rubber rim that makes them a lot softer on the eye socket. granted they still wont absorb someone throwing a water bottle into your face. however, it seems tyr has removed the blue lense version (which i have used in the winter for years now) and only leave clear/pink/red/smoke for indoor options. besides the very nice and dark mirrored versions for outdoors. steve So the big question is, are you going with the pink ones at your next indoor meet?
  • I don't. After I swim I rinse my goggles in clear water, blot them dry, spray on the solution, and let it dry. Thanks, poolraat! I'll give it a try. :agree:
  • Check out They offer Swedish goggles for $3.55. They are not as expensive as they once were. If you are open to different styles of goggles, the Speedo Vanquisher series is also very, popular (and just as comfortable as the "sweeds" in my opinion). They retail between $12.95 and $22.95 in my local sporting goods stores.
  • Speedo Vanquisher 2.0 is my go-to goggle. They sit well and even after long swims, it doesn't feel like my eyes have been sucked out of the sockets. They have clear and tinted versions. Love 'em. Oh and anything that says anti-fog is lying. That stuff wears off quickly. At least a remedy is cheap - do a dab of baby shampoo around the inside of the googgle before you swim and rinse it out. Keeps them fog-free for several hours.
  • i really like the TYR Socket Rockets 2.0 they fit just like the swedish googles i started wearing in the early 80's along with a rubber rim that makes them a lot softer on the eye socket. granted they still wont absorb someone throwing a water bottle into your face. however, it seems tyr has removed the blue lense version (which i have used in the winter for years now) and only leave clear/pink/red/smoke for indoor options. besides the very nice and dark mirrored versions for outdoors. steve
  • I wouldn't like to spend much on these, at max, 50 bucks You should be able to get at least ten pairs of Swedes for $50...
  • I used to live sweedes as a kid, until my vision started to tank. I am still waiting for an optical version :)