Getting over a bad performance

Okay, I'm in a complete funk now. At spring nationals this weekend, I had what was probably the worst meet of my career, performance wise. Really can't understand why, as the meet was run really well, I thought I had trained and tapered properly, and everything seemed to be in order. Come competition time, I sucked. Had a so-so 400IM, got dq'd in the 200Br, and just went slow in everything else. Not making excuses, but now I feel horrible. Don't want to train, and I'm almost embarrassed to look at my results. So now what? How do I get over this desire to quit? (I know, I'm taking this way to seriously, but I can't shake the feeling of being a failure)
  • i talked with Jeff and Ricardo about that race, all 3 of us thought it was bad for different and similar reasons. I swam in the next heat so I had a pretty good view of yours. Erwin swam a controlled race, but probably thinks he let the leaders get too far ahead at the 200. Hobson and Valdivia gave it a good shot, but couldn't keep up the pace on the back half. You swam a gutsy race and probably would have lost if it was a 550! Obviously you were hurting on the last 50, but you had enough in the tank to get the job done and that's what counts. I thought it was a great swim.
  • i talked with Jeff and Ricardo about that race, all 3 of us thought it was bad for different and similar reasons. I swam in the next heat so I had a pretty good view of yours. Erwin swam a controlled race, but probably thinks he let the leaders get too far ahead at the 200. Hobson and Valdivia gave it a good shot, but couldn't keep up the pace on the back half. You swam a gutsy race and probably would have lost if it was a 550! Obviously you were hurting on the last 50, but you had enough in the tank to get the job done and that's what counts. I thought it was a great swim.
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