DQ rules re losing suit upon diving in or during race???

Can one be DQ'd at a USMS sanctioned meet if your suit falls off upon diving in and you find yourself nude? Or if it starts to slide down, down, down during a race until, oops! it's off? I know my options if my suit were to malfunction during a race and I wished to continue would be to (a) stop in the middle as long as I didn't touch the lane lines or put my feet on the bottom of the pool, or (b) stop at a wall and do all adjustments there. But if it plumb came off, would I get DQ'd? Curious, here. You never can predict a race. Izzy I'm trying to post a poll but may not be able to figure out how, re suit malfunctions.
  • Back when all the guys wore briefs in meets losing one's suit was not unheard of.The most famous time was by a Univ. of Texas swimmer.I don't remember all the details(I only read about it,I was not at the meet.)I believe it was in the mid 80s at NCAA Nationals.He was anchoring the 400 FR and dove out of his suit.He finished the swim and I think they won.I know his quote when asked what he was thinking about as he fisished the race:He replied "I was just glad I wasn't swimming backstroke."
  • Back when all the guys wore briefs in meets losing one's suit was not unheard of.The most famous time was by a Univ. of Texas swimmer.I don't remember all the details(I only read about it,I was not at the meet.)I believe it was in the mid 80s at NCAA Nationals.He was anchoring the 400 FR and dove out of his suit.He finished the swim and I think they won.I know his quote when asked what he was thinking about as he fisished the race:He replied "I was just glad I wasn't swimming backstroke."
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