DQ rules re losing suit upon diving in or during race???

Can one be DQ'd at a USMS sanctioned meet if your suit falls off upon diving in and you find yourself nude? Or if it starts to slide down, down, down during a race until, oops! it's off? I know my options if my suit were to malfunction during a race and I wished to continue would be to (a) stop in the middle as long as I didn't touch the lane lines or put my feet on the bottom of the pool, or (b) stop at a wall and do all adjustments there. But if it plumb came off, would I get DQ'd? Curious, here. You never can predict a race. Izzy I'm trying to post a poll but may not be able to figure out how, re suit malfunctions.
  • So the take away is it's ok when a guy's suit rips, but girls get DQed. I've been to a lot of meets in my life and I've got to say I've never seen anyone's suit come completely off. It seems like you'd almost have to try to do that!
  • So the take away is it's ok when a guy's suit rips, but girls get DQed. I've been to a lot of meets in my life and I've got to say I've never seen anyone's suit come completely off. It seems like you'd almost have to try to do that!
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