I need some advice on how to train for the 200 Yard Breaststroke. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi MP,
How are you currently training?
swims per week?
yards per practice?
types of sets?
coached or by yourself?
practice times?
When's your meet?
Tell us about you and your swimming background
There's lots of breastroke info in
Pretty sure I've written some about it in S F F
The fastest way to get faster in breastroke is to correct technique mistakes.
1) Pushoffs / Streamlines / Pullouts
2) arm movements
3) kicking
4) timing &
5) turns
Also focus on the number of strokes per length and after each kick
try to streamline better and glide a little further and faster
always push off hard and fast even when you're swimming easy
On pull outs,
perfect when and how to do the single dolphin kick. Most swimmings do it when they are pulling down or at the end of the pull down. Many fast breastrokers streamline slightly separate their hands / dolphin kick / then begin their pull. If you do this, your separation needs to be noticeable to judges.
I need some advice on how to train for the 200 Yard Breaststroke. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi MP,
How are you currently training?
swims per week?
yards per practice?
types of sets?
coached or by yourself?
practice times?
When's your meet?
Tell us about you and your swimming background
There's lots of breastroke info in
Pretty sure I've written some about it in S F F
The fastest way to get faster in breastroke is to correct technique mistakes.
1) Pushoffs / Streamlines / Pullouts
2) arm movements
3) kicking
4) timing &
5) turns
Also focus on the number of strokes per length and after each kick
try to streamline better and glide a little further and faster
always push off hard and fast even when you're swimming easy
On pull outs,
perfect when and how to do the single dolphin kick. Most swimmings do it when they are pulling down or at the end of the pull down. Many fast breastrokers streamline slightly separate their hands / dolphin kick / then begin their pull. If you do this, your separation needs to be noticeable to judges.