USMS should say Nyet to homophobia!

So, World Masters Championships for 2015 are now scheduled to be held in Kazan, Russia. I, for one, am appalled at yet another event being held in a country with legislated homophobia. Isn't it bad enough that the IOC has allowed this travesty? In my opinion, USMS needs to take a stand about this and ensure that ALL USMS members can attend events safely, with their families, and without fear of persecution or prosecution. Russia is not a safe place for our LGBT members and allies to do so. Thoughts?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Since World Masters will be held at the same venue as FINA Worlds, USMS has pretty much zero say in where the meet will be held.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago the mission statement of USMS. It is a fitness and education organization, not a political front... Hmm.. I'm not the smartest person in the room, but if my recent interpretation in reading SWIMMER magazine issues is even remotely correct, USMS has taken a very political stand on this issue.
  • Hmm.. I'm not the smartest person in the room, but if my recent interpretation in reading SWIMMER magazine issues is even remotely correct, USMS has taken a very political stand on this issue. While I have no reason to argue with your intellectual output, I would point out that articles written for the magazine do not have to pass muster by the USMS board of directors. In fact, they rarely know what will be in the next issue. Reporting on the makeup and activities of any particular club hardly represents a political stand. And there it is. We all knew it was coming. And this means exactly what? That someone who feels just as passionately as the OP on the subject (only in opposition) somehow needs to be pointed out as if they are a leper,or somehow deficient in social graces? Not all of "We" feel the same way you do. Tolerance is a virtue, not a weapon.
  • And before anyone writes something that will get them banned. This thread is closed.
  • Despite all this controversy, Popov was still the king
  • And this means exactly what? That someone who feels just as passionately as the OP on the subject (only in opposition) somehow needs to be pointed out as if they are a leper,or somehow deficient in social graces? Not all of "We" feel the same way you do. Tolerance is a virtue, not a weapon. I believe people have the right to say what they want and I also have the right to pass judgment on people based on the things they say. As simple as that, really.
  • And there it is. We all knew it was coming.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    The vast majority of people in world history agree with me. History=past, not present or future.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Homosexuality is immoral. The vast majority of people in world history agree with me. God also agrees with me.