Sprinter help

Former Member
Former Member
I am 34 years old and love to sprint. The free is my favorite even though I have some growth to do. I practice almost daily, with no formal club, on my own, and try to improve with videos from speedo and advice I find on here. My issue is I have a hard time getting in distance. I see where people swim thousands of yards, like in the challenge. I struggle so hard with this. To swim a 3,000 makes me hate swimming. I also try to judge when I have swam to a point where I am loosing technique as I don't want to practice bad technique at the sake of distance. Are there any other sprinters out there who struggle with this? Will I eventually one day move more towards distance as I age, is it possible now? Is this common. Sometimes I feel bad for only being in the pool for 30 minutes even though I may have swam a 1000 in that time. What gives? I am looking at starting a masters group at my Y very soon, hope this helps. Am I being to critical?
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