My 500 freestyle time is terrible. need a faster solution

My 500 yd scy freestyle time is terrible. I am not breaking 7 minutes. I would like to know if there are any fast ways to improve my times. My masters coach has given me advice, but the results are very slow. I am not looking for a magic pill or anything like that. I am looking for a workout solution. Any tips?
  • I am 43. I didn't start Masters swimming till a 18 months ago. I get about 8k yards in a week. (1 hour , 3 days a week averaging 2500-2800 yards. I never swam that distance when I was younger. My issue is I have been holding at around 1:30 for a while and I can't seem to get down to 1:25 or 1:20, for 500 yards. I just keep running out of gas. I can go much faster for a single 100 or 200 though. I have been slowly improving my stroke technique. As far as average times go, The 40-44 age group times seem to hover around the low 6 minute mark on average. The has been the case at the meets I have been to. Simple solution. Always (as in always) swim a descending race or workout. Pace is good in workout, but you seem to be more of a sprinter. If you like the 500, that is fine, just modify your style. First 100 go out way easy. Every following 50 should be a build up swim followed by another build up on top of the last. Negative splits are your friend. All you have to do is become comfortable with swimming a very easy first 100. The last 100 will be like swimming downhill, constantly accelerating. Good luck.
  • I am 43. I didn't start Masters swimming till a 18 months ago. I get about 8k yards in a week. (1 hour , 3 days a week averaging 2500-2800 yards. I never swam that distance when I was younger. My issue is I have been holding at around 1:30 for a while and I can't seem to get down to 1:25 or 1:20, for 500 yards. I just keep running out of gas. I can go much faster for a single 100 or 200 though. I have been slowly improving my stroke technique. As far as average times go, The 40-44 age group times seem to hover around the low 6 minute mark on average. The has been the case at the meets I have been to. Simple solution. Always (as in always) swim a descending race or workout. Pace is good in workout, but you seem to be more of a sprinter. If you like the 500, that is fine, just modify your style. First 100 go out way easy. Every following 50 should be a build up swim followed by another build up on top of the last. Negative splits are your friend. All you have to do is become comfortable with swimming a very easy first 100. The last 100 will be like swimming downhill, constantly accelerating. Good luck.
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