My 500 freestyle time is terrible. need a faster solution

My 500 yd scy freestyle time is terrible. I am not breaking 7 minutes. I would like to know if there are any fast ways to improve my times. My masters coach has given me advice, but the results are very slow. I am not looking for a magic pill or anything like that. I am looking for a workout solution. Any tips?
  • I'd bet that the fastest way to get faster is to improve your stroke and turns. Seconded. And at the risk of going all Total Immersion on you, the fastest way to improve your stroke is to start counting strokes per length, and work on reducing that number. To a first rough approximation, strokes per length measures efficiency: how far you travel per unit of effort. More efficient = less effort expended on overcoming water resistance = more effort expended on moving forward. It's easy, too. All you have to do is count.
  • I'd bet that the fastest way to get faster is to improve your stroke and turns. Seconded. And at the risk of going all Total Immersion on you, the fastest way to improve your stroke is to start counting strokes per length, and work on reducing that number. To a first rough approximation, strokes per length measures efficiency: how far you travel per unit of effort. More efficient = less effort expended on overcoming water resistance = more effort expended on moving forward. It's easy, too. All you have to do is count.
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