My 500 freestyle time is terrible. need a faster solution

My 500 yd scy freestyle time is terrible. I am not breaking 7 minutes. I would like to know if there are any fast ways to improve my times. My masters coach has given me advice, but the results are very slow. I am not looking for a magic pill or anything like that. I am looking for a workout solution. Any tips?
  • How is your pacing? Do you go out and do the first 100 fast, then lose 5 sec/100? How is your last 100 by comparison? Maybe you could do several sets of 5x100 on 1:30, then 5x100 on 1:25, then 1:20 over time. Or do a couple of sets of 5x100 where your first 100 is your slowest and your last your fastest. Improve by 1-2 secs each 100.
  • How is your pacing? Do you go out and do the first 100 fast, then lose 5 sec/100? How is your last 100 by comparison? Maybe you could do several sets of 5x100 on 1:30, then 5x100 on 1:25, then 1:20 over time. Or do a couple of sets of 5x100 where your first 100 is your slowest and your last your fastest. Improve by 1-2 secs each 100.
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