Should elites in "full training" mode swim in masters meets?

Darian Townsend entered a masters meet in Mesa over the weekend and broke five world records in the 25-29 age group. This was Townsend's first masters meet. For those of you who are not familiar with him, Townend is a three-time Olympian and gold medalist from South Africa. posted a story about Townend's incredible meet. Here's the link: I found the comments quite interesting especially this one by "HMMM": I have no problem with athletes making money off of Masters but why have a separate division called Masters if there are no rules or restrictions? None of the sponsored people you mention in their 50′s are training for Rio are they?. Most people in Masters believe they are swimming against recreational swimmers which is why there is a separate Masters division and those records are set by recreational/retired swimmers. If Phelps remains retired and wants to swim Masters, well there goes a few records in his age group but none of us in our club would have a problem with it. We discussed that very subject this morning after practice and Phelps, like Rowdy Gaines is retired and would welcome him. Many of us have swam against and met Rowdy and it is a true honor to share the pool with him in a Masters meet. But our entire team would have a huge problem if Lochte decides to swim a Masters meet while he is still fully training for the Olympics and blows all the records out of the water. If Lochte swims 12 events, he is going to walk away with 12 records. Why have a separate record book? If he can do that, you might as well just call us all USA swimmers and do away with the Masters division. There are meets where fully training pros swim and they are called Grand Prix’s, Nationals, and Worlds. Call us old fashioned, call us Masters swimmers, but we all think Masters should be separate from the training pros.. So I'm curious what the rest of you think. Should someone like Darian Townend or Ryan Lochte be allowed to swim in masters meets when they are professional swimmers who are training full-time? And maybe "allowed" is a poor choice or word. The bottom line is do you think they have any business swimming masters meets?
  • It's competition broken down into 5 year age groups for adults
  • Just cuz they a from another world in time & talent, they are swimmers just like us. Sure , their records will be on the books till Y3K -but let them swim.
  • Yeah, I always thought USMS held sacred the notion that everyone (18 and over) is welcome. I guess some people think this means novices and slow swimmers are welcome, but not super fast swimmers. Personally I like the option to swim both masters meets and USA Swimming meets. It would be hypocritical for me to think I should be afforded this opportunity, but others are not for some nebulous reason that they are "too fast for masters."
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Thanks to this discussion, I just added Darian Townsend to our Olympians list! Check out his listing as well as the listings of many other Olympians who have also been USMS members.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Yes, anyone should be able to set masters records. Eligibility to set masters records should only be determined by age, not by how much you train.
  • I see elite swimmers in every age group.
  • I see elite swimmers in every age group. Touche I was referring to the Olympic caliber, pro-swimmer in full training mode that this thread was discussing.
  • One of my best moments in swimming was getting crushed by Megan Jendrick in a 100 BR.It was so cool just to be on the blocks near her.Every time I have been at a meet with the "elites" everyone stops what they are doing to watch them.If anything,having elites in the sport adds to the legitimacy of Masters. If you are in the age group and registered,you are a Masters swimmer,period,end of discussion.I was in Megan's introductory masters meet in Olympia, WA, and that particular meet, I decided to enter the 100 ***, 200 ***, 200 IM, and a couple others. Well, I was right next to her in those 3 events. She blew me away by 10 seconds in the 100 (going :59something), and in the 200 ***, she finished as I was heading into the wall at the 175 turn (I know this because I could hear the crowd cheering). :) In the 200 IM, I decided to go for it, and asked her if she'd like to race to the 50 of the 200 IM. :D She agreed, I sprinted my @ss off, and she beat me out by about 1/2 a bodylength, and then continued on to crush me and go under 2:00 as well. It was great swimming next to her, and my sister took tons of pictures that day, so I will remember it for a while.
  • I've been obliterated by Megan several times. Swimming against her and other elites is very cool. I look forward to the next time I take the blocks next to an Olympian. One thing I think of when I race elites is the non-swimmers who tell me I'm like Phelps just because I can swim butterfly... It was a pleasure to swim next to you, and glad you felt okay with it.
  • Hey, That Guy! It's great to have you (and your humor) back on the Forums! :smooch: It just wasn't the same without you. :sad: Thanks, I missed me too.