Swimming in Paris?

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Former Member
I am about to head to Paris for two months. (I know, I know, rough duty.) Staying in the Marais district, 4th Arrondissement. Have never been. Has anyone ever swum in Paris? I don't really need Masters' workouts, as I swim alone mostly. Just need access to pool for workout purposes. Eager for insights if you got 'em. Thanks!
  • The pool you saw must have been the Suzanne Berlioux pool. Believe it or not, it is less crowded than most others. The one time I swam in this pool, it was indeed less crowded than others I have swum in. Perhaps that's because the depth of the shallow end is perhaps one foot, and therefore it's impossible to do flip turns (much less not drag your fingertips along the bottom as you approach the wall). And this is certainly one of the newer pools in Paris. (Also has the coed showers, but weirdly, gender-separated changing rooms with female attendants in men's as well as women's.) I'm sure the original poster has probably found his preferred pool by now, but if not, my favorite is the Piscine Pontoise, in the latin quarter. It's about a 10 minute walk from the Marais, crossing the Seine and the Isle St. Louis, with wonderful views of Notre Dame. I did it every morning for a week at Christmas at 6:30 in the morning, just as the city was waking up. Magical! As for the swimming, it wasn't too bad for the first hour or so, and then got progressively busier.
  • The pool you saw must have been the Suzanne Berlioux pool. Believe it or not, it is less crowded than most others. The one time I swam in this pool, it was indeed less crowded than others I have swum in. Perhaps that's because the depth of the shallow end is perhaps one foot, and therefore it's impossible to do flip turns (much less not drag your fingertips along the bottom as you approach the wall). And this is certainly one of the newer pools in Paris. (Also has the coed showers, but weirdly, gender-separated changing rooms with female attendants in men's as well as women's.) I'm sure the original poster has probably found his preferred pool by now, but if not, my favorite is the Piscine Pontoise, in the latin quarter. It's about a 10 minute walk from the Marais, crossing the Seine and the Isle St. Louis, with wonderful views of Notre Dame. I did it every morning for a week at Christmas at 6:30 in the morning, just as the city was waking up. Magical! As for the swimming, it wasn't too bad for the first hour or so, and then got progressively busier.
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