Swimming in Paris?

Former Member
Former Member
I am about to head to Paris for two months. (I know, I know, rough duty.) Staying in the Marais district, 4th Arrondissement. Have never been. Has anyone ever swum in Paris? I don't really need Masters' workouts, as I swim alone mostly. Just need access to pool for workout purposes. Eager for insights if you got 'em. Thanks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Perhaps I should have done a little more homework before posing this question. A little more sniffing around led me to the surprising fact that there's an iPhone app called Paris Piscines, which shows pools, dimensions, hours and price. Less clear how lap swim works, but I guess that's something for onsite investigation. Looks like there's a 25m pool nearby. So now, I'll adjust my question: anybody have any insights culturally speaking about pools in France? No-no's? (Ou non-nons?)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Perhaps I should have done a little more homework before posing this question. A little more sniffing around led me to the surprising fact that there's an iPhone app called Paris Piscines, which shows pools, dimensions, hours and price. Less clear how lap swim works, but I guess that's something for onsite investigation. Looks like there's a 25m pool nearby. So now, I'll adjust my question: anybody have any insights culturally speaking about pools in France? No-no's? (Ou non-nons?)
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