Building up endurance - 9 year old kid

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Former Member
Hi, I've been following this forum for more then a year and this is my first post here. My daughter is 9 years old and she has been swimming for 2 years. For the last 8 months she's been training 4 days per week; half-hour dryland, one hour pool. She is a happy swimmer and they have great friendship within the team. Her free and breaststroke styles are quite fine. Her short-course(25m) 50meter times are: Free 40 ; Back 48 ; *** 51 ; Fly 50 But whenever she's in a meet, her stamina drops clearly at around 35m. As for the freestyle, her 25meter time is around 16 seconds. She usually turns before her friends, falls behind at last 15meter. It disappoints her. How can we help her to build up her endurance? What should we have her eat before the meet? Should we take her out for jogging, hiking, biking or any other physical activity? All suggestions and hints are appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  • Hi, Wanted to put feedback on times with the 4000m / 6 days program I mentioned above.. (SCM) 100M FR 1:08 100M FL 1:17 200M IM 2:47 200M FR 2:31 50M FR 31.6 She's 10, not 15, right? Those are all "AAA" times, bordering on "AAAA," for the 10 & under age group. She would have embarrassed a lot of grown men at the last Masters meet I swam at. Whatever the coach is doing, it seems to be working. Is she still enjoying swimming? Has the rest of the team progressed as much?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hi, Wanted to put feedback on times with the 4000m / 6 days program I mentioned above.. (SCM) 100M FR 1:08 100M FL 1:17 200M IM 2:47 200M FR 2:31 50M FR 31.6
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Sorry for my late response. She's 11 now and actually enjoys more and more as she gets these results. And yes, rest of the team also progressed, though cant say if its that much. She's probably among the ones who progressed the best.. maybe it was their technique that helped or their endurance developed.. probably both.. I do hope that much of the yardage is working on technique too, but dont have a clue on that..
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Hi, wanted to put feedback on this.. She is 11.5yo now and the latest times are: SCM 50FR 30.5 100FR 1:06 50FL 33.8 100FL 1:13 200IM 2:43 200FR 2:26 Seems the endurance and pacing keeps improving over time...
  • When hasn’t this been a parents/coach brag forum? If we can’t brag on about the accomplishments of our fellow swimmers, what will we talk about? And yes, sometimes the swimmers are ourselves and sometimes they are a family member. Did I mention that I counted for my mom at Short Course Nationals this year? :banana: But that should be under the Building up endurance – 85+ year old kid thread:groovy:
  • I sometimes swim with a Youth Team during their workouts. The young swimmers in this age group only swim for one hour. No, distance, except for LCM season, and then its no more than a 200 at a time. Most of the workouts are pretty evenly split between sprints and drills.
  • Is this now the parent's humblebrag forum? If so, can Jim Corbeau please speak up cause his kid is a swimming superstar.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    These are great times for her age. I have two girls (8,5 and 14 now), so I also kinda interested to see your girl's progress. The most important thing for her is not to lose the technique. Endurance shall increase even more during the time.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Forgot to mention that the distance been dropped to 3500meters as of April. The last 4 months. Still 6days per week. Drills, 100s 200s, sprints.. It takes around 60-75mins in water and 30mins of dryland 4 times a week. Now they re on holiday and will start again by September. And sorry if it looks like im bragging.. I'm trying to learn as much as possible and inform as much as I can.. ;)
  • astro - maybe you've answered this already - but, do you swim? Much more rewarding to keep track of your own yardage and best times, IMO...