People who are already over 100 and 200 miles for the year?!

Hi! I joined the USMS FLOG (love the acronym...) at the end of January. I am excited about the prizes for various milestones! However, I noticed some people are already at 100 or 200 miles for the year. Holy moly! I thought I swam a lot! Are any of these people reading? Why such high yardage? How do you structure your week? Singles, doubles? Intrigued. Allison
  • John, I'm not sure that comment was directed at you. And people do cheat. During the early 90's there was a woman in my age group who would kick butt on the hour and 10K postals. But her pace per 100 on the hour swim was faster than her documented 500 free time and her pace on the 10K was faster than her documented 1,500 time. What satisfaction she derived from her victories and records is an alien concept to many of us. I am curious about your training. Do you split up your daily yardage or are you swimming it all in one workout? Are you primarily grinding out yards or do you do specific interval training? All free or a mix of strokes? Do you take any days off? And are you retired/working part time or are you fitting your swimming into full work day? At the intensity that I swim, the most I can manage in 4000-4500 meters five times per week. But hats off to you!... Respectfully, I'm training to do the swim around Key West, I'm also in the position (business owner) that I can spend 3-4 hours in the pool (however twice a day, no days off ), and on Saturdays only 3 hours straight. Last year I was the straggler to Tim Martin at a lowly 1700 miles to his 2000 plus. If I was a cheater I would have beat him, but who would I be kidding?... at 59 I've no need to cheat, and I guarantee you at the end of the year I won't be in first place!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    Kudos to all the hi-milers out there. I peronally have a hard time believing that anyone would inflate their mileage in GTD. I can't see why you would do that. When I enter my workouts it asks for time spent. It would be interesting to see this total up and listed along with the mileage in the total results. That is really nice of you. I on the other hand think the exact opposite. People cheat all the time for reasons only they can understand. This has nothing to do with GTD, just my observation...
  • My wife looked shocked which I thought was strange. Well, on Christmas morning when it's my turn to empty the stockings contents, guess what I find? Another identical mesh bag! What are the chances of that? That is so funny. I would have said the chances were next to zero. It was a nice gift from your wife though.
  • That is so funny. I would have said the chances were next to zero. It was a nice gift from your wife though.Yep:) I’ve found that yoga and x-c skiing leave my shoulders and upper body more fatigued than big yardage swim sessions. Arm support poses can definately be brutal on the shoulders for me too Good luck on the ski event
  • I’ve found that yoga and x-c skiing leave my shoulders and upper body more fatigued than big yardage swim sessions. Ellen and I attended our first yoga class ever (well, my first class ever) last Sunday. That downward dog, yow! That was tough on my skinny arms!
  • Last year I was excited to get my mesh bag in the mail, it arrived two days prior to Christmas. It also provided something to laugh about during future seasons. When it came in the mail my wife was like "Hmm, what's that?" I said I believe it's a prize for swimming 250 miles. It's not a Christmas gift, I can open it NOW! When I opened it, I pulled out a mesh bag. My wife looked shocked which I thought was strange. Well, on Christmas morning when it's my turn to empty the stockings contents, guess what I find? Another identical mesh bag! What are the chances of that? Having two of them turned out to be convenient.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    JUst broke 100 miles for the 2013 calendar year... Since 2009, I’ve tried to keep my average weekly yardage between 30,000 and 40,000. Due to new pool scheduling, my access to multi-hour swim sessions is reduced, so I have been hitting the yoga studio 3-4 times/week and getting a bunch of back-country skiing in while the snow lasts. I’m excited for my first ski race next weekend should be epic! I’ve found that yoga and x-c skiing leave my shoulders and upper body more fatigued than big yardage swim sessions. I don’t expect that this reduced swim load will have a negative effect on my ability to go long... I have a 22 mile swim planned for the last week of March in the Bahamas and will be swimming the SCAR series in May... but my “sprint” speed has suffered.
  • This thread started almost 4 weeks ago with the thought that 100 to 200 miles was a lot. I noticed today in the FLOG there is a gal, Ivana G, that has as of yesterday has 614 miles logged. That is a lot of miles ! 61 straight days of 10 miles+ per day, greater than 17,000 yds per day. I'm a pool swimmer and have 160 miles but 614 miles is just mind numbing. That lady must have some hall of fame shoulders !!!
  • holy moly I am inching closer (yard-ing closer?) to 100 miles for the year. Would have hit it by now but have been taking advantage of nice cycling weather.
  • Never mind ! my post on 3/3 mentioned an Ivana G with 614 miles and as of today her name is not listed. Musta been a typo.