Would you say those are good benchmarks as a “maxing our” lift (like being able to to a few reps only at those weights), or should you be able to do a certain number of normal reps at that weight.
Just wondered your opinion. Personally I don’t squat or DL anywhere near my BW (in fact I do 105# right now for both), but I do different events from, for instance, you, and so don’t need to lift as heavy to go with my larger yardage base.
Would you say those are good benchmarks as a “maxing our” lift (like being able to to a few reps only at those weights), or should you be able to do a certain number of normal reps at that weight.
Just wondered your opinion. Personally I don’t squat or DL anywhere near my BW (in fact I do 105# right now for both), but I do different events from, for instance, you, and so don’t need to lift as heavy to go with my larger yardage base.