Breathing difficulties , Pulmonary Fibrosis

Long term swimmer, healthy until 1st of this year. Chronic cough and breathing issues , low blood oxygen and wheezing.

Never had COVID or the vaccination. Any others experiencing something similar?

    • Hi not the same specific issues but have been diagnosed with exercised induced laryngopgal obstruction (EILO). Came in suddenly after a knee replacement (no intubation so they’re not sure of cause). Makes it difficult to breath: recommended breathing techniques work okay for land base activities but don’t work for me in the pool; very frustrated !! Apparently this can be a side effect of long covid but I havent had Covid either! 
    • Hi not the same specific issues but have been diagnosed with exercised induced laryngopgal obstruction (EILO). Came in suddenly after a knee replacement (no intubation so they’re not sure of cause). Makes it difficult to breath: recommended breathing techniques work okay for land base activities but don’t work for me in the pool; very frustrated !! Apparently this can be a side effect of long covid but I havent had Covid either! 
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