Every time I start back swimming, I get sinusitis. I can lay off of swimming for about a month and it clears up. There appears to be some research to indicate that this happens to some people, but I cannot find any indication that there is anything that can be done to stop it. I will have to stop swimming altogether if I cannot find a way to control this. I have tried nose clips, but I still get infected sinuses.
Has anyone had this problem and found a solution that worked for them?
I get sinusities about twice a year. Probably not related to swimming as I swim in a salt pool. However, your problem might be related to acid reflex. Try taking a Zantac acid reflex prior to swimming.
I get sinusities about twice a year. Probably not related to swimming as I swim in a salt pool. However, your problem might be related to acid reflex. Try taking a Zantac acid reflex prior to swimming.