Need recommendation for keeping warm in a cold pool

I am a 68 year old triathlete who works out in our local university (UCSC) pool. I have Raynauds syndrome and very slender (5’4”,  105lbs). I freeze in our pool which is kept at about 80 degrees year round. I would love to find a 3 mil shorty wetsuit but can only find 1 and 2 mil. I do fine if the water temp is 83. Don’t want to leave this gorgeous 50 meter out door pool. Any suggestions greatly appreciated 

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  • Dave asked that I share his response with you: 

    In addition to pool water temps. being very cold,  air temps. in Natatoriums are fridged! 


    Difficult for me to stay warm because I swim  six Events per Meet so constantly in the Pool

    warming up, racing, then warming down; if I can use the word "warming" in front of up & down. 


    With the short amount of time I am on the pool deck, I can't wear my warm-ups because

    I'm toweling off with a Sham Wow, downing an Energy Drink & Cereal Bar then messaging my

    entire body with a Massage Gun. Not uncommon though to be back up on the Blocks for the

    next Event after warming down. I drape a large beach towel over me after the massage a

    few heats prior to my Event before going behind the blocks a heat or two prior to my Event.


    If the Swim Meet is an all-dayer, here is what I do to raise my core temperature so try these

    recommendations. 1) stretch in a hot shower after warming down from Swimming an Event.

    2) If the Facility has a Sauna, stretch in there; even wearing your warm-ups. 3) If the Facility 

    has a Whirlpool, stretch and soak in that for 10 - 15 minutes; without wearing your warm-ups. 


    Have a "Time Range" for each Event you Swim so you "try" not to get "too" frustrated & aggravated

    because you didn't Swim a set "Goal Time" because your Muscles are tight and you're

    shivering from being stinkin' cold. So if you're Time is at the high-end of your Par Time, 

    that would be acceptable under these condition at this particular Meet. Of course I don't apply

    that logic to an Event where Seed Times for all Swimmers in my Age Group are very close

    and I must Swim one of my fastest times to win the Race.


    Also, when you Swim multiple Events, since the Event Order is different for each Meet, rule of Thumb

    is to pick an Event or two for the Meet you really want to Swim a fast time or win the Event; try

    selecting the first Event or two before Hypothermia affects you as the Meet progresses.





  • Thanks.  I'm going to print this out, study it and review it prior to the next meet.
