Should I be concerned about my HR?

Hey all.

48yo M here.  This year i have dropped 53lbs and built to 15k+ yds/wk.  Last week while donating at red cross the nurse taking my vitals looked at me while taking my pulse and said "46."  I said "no way." and checked my watch and...  sure enough.  Since then I've been looking and resting hr is generally 48-52 (58 as I'm typing).  I know that a slower heartbeat is, generally speaking, a good thing and a result of activity but being in the 40's so often is a little disconcerting.  Before I started my no booze swim regimen in January my standing hr was like 68.-72, so the drop is significant.

My hr for swims seems to be okay.  my distance/stroke sets get me to 130-135 and sprint sets will get it to 145, and I'm under 80 after like 100-120 seconds of rest.  And I have no other symptoms of concern.  My diet is balanced and junk/treats are minimal.  BP is a seady 120/80.

But heart disease in my family is rampant and, like I said, 46 is a scary number to me.

I called the doc and made an appt for next week to be sure.  In the meantime, should I be backing off just in case?

Thanks for any advice.

  • Since I had no ohter alarming symptoms I did not back off...  In fact I did my first two master's workouts.  went to doc today.  She seemed unconcerned.  I'm keeping a log of hr a few times a day and monitoring BP first and last of the day.  I'm going back to red cross for platelet donation on sunday and we will see how the vitals are then.  

    Thanks for the responses.

  • Since I had no ohter alarming symptoms I did not back off...  In fact I did my first two master's workouts.  went to doc today.  She seemed unconcerned.  I'm keeping a log of hr a few times a day and monitoring BP first and last of the day.  I'm going back to red cross for platelet donation on sunday and we will see how the vitals are then.  

    Thanks for the responses.
