Measuring heart rate while swimming

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to measure my heart-rate while swimming. My main requirements are (please excuse my bad english): The device has to display the heart rate while i'm swimming. I'm a newbie and need to see my heart rate during my training. Optical heart rate sensors don't seem to be very reliable under water. Thus i would prefer a non-optical device. I would like to spend under 150£ if possible Thank you!
  • What is your opinion on measuring the heart rate, when the primary goal is losing weight and not (or not yet) swimming faster?I use a FitBit Charge 3. The on wrist display isn't great, but the smart phone app does a good job of graphing and reporting heart rate as well as lots of other data. Since you are swimming for fitness, your focus should be on tracking how long you in the fat burning and aerobic zones and not on point in time heart rate snapshots.
  • What is your opinion on measuring the heart rate, when the primary goal is losing weight and not (or not yet) swimming faster?I use a FitBit Charge 3. The on wrist display isn't great, but the smart phone app does a good job of graphing and reporting heart rate as well as lots of other data. Since you are swimming for fitness, your focus should be on tracking how long you in the fat burning and aerobic zones and not on point in time heart rate snapshots.
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