Measuring heart rate while swimming

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to measure my heart-rate while swimming. My main requirements are (please excuse my bad english): The device has to display the heart rate while i'm swimming. I'm a newbie and need to see my heart rate during my training. Optical heart rate sensors don't seem to be very reliable under water. Thus i would prefer a non-optical device. I would like to spend under 150£ if possible Thank you!
  • Iâ€Tmd need to know more of your goals and workout, but knowing your heart rate is not necessarily going to help with weight loss. There is an idea that there is a fat burning heart rate zone. That is basically where your body is able to meet your energy requirements by only burning fat. Exercising at a greater intensity doesnâ€Tmt decrease fat burned and it greatly increases total calories burned. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Unfortunately, swimming increases appetite more than running does for most people.
  • Iâ€Tmd need to know more of your goals and workout, but knowing your heart rate is not necessarily going to help with weight loss. There is an idea that there is a fat burning heart rate zone. That is basically where your body is able to meet your energy requirements by only burning fat. Exercising at a greater intensity doesnâ€Tmt decrease fat burned and it greatly increases total calories burned. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Unfortunately, swimming increases appetite more than running does for most people.
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