Measuring heart rate while swimming

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to measure my heart-rate while swimming. My main requirements are (please excuse my bad english): The device has to display the heart rate while i'm swimming. I'm a newbie and need to see my heart rate during my training. Optical heart rate sensors don't seem to be very reliable under water. Thus i would prefer a non-optical device. I would like to spend under 150£ if possible Thank you!
  • When you say "while" do you mean mid stroke? cause for free, you can just measure your HR at the wall for a 6 second (so it's easy you just multiply the number by 10) or 10 second (so multiply by 6) count. I use the 10 second count just cause thats what my college coach had us do and all my HR zones are based off those numbers.
  • When you say "while" do you mean mid stroke? cause for free, you can just measure your HR at the wall for a 6 second (so it's easy you just multiply the number by 10) or 10 second (so multiply by 6) count. I use the 10 second count just cause thats what my college coach had us do and all my HR zones are based off those numbers.
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