2023 Nationals

Have the chosen the sites for Nationals in 2023 yet?

  • What's the holdup? This seems like it's a lot later than normally announced, especially with the bidding packets for 2024 being due by May 1st.

  • Tim,

    The Championship Committee has met with and discussed the bid packet information with the bidders and made selections. However, there are still contractual steps that need to be addressed and agreed to between the bidders and the Nat’l Office before the site selections can be made public. It is later than normal as we closed the 2023 bids due date on Dec 1, 2021 instead of May 1, 2021, due to uncertainties related to last year’s later than normal National pool events and the Covid situation. Hope that explains the situation and we’ll get the information out as soon as reasonably possible.


  • Have the dates been selected, or do the selected sites choose the dates?    The reason I'm asking is that for last several years they always pick the weekend that my employer has a in service day where no one can take off.

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