Masks at LC Nationals in October 2021

I just read the information on this page regarding masking:

Will they be giving out masks at the event so you can put one on after the race? I was a little surprised that vaccinations will not be required as it is an indoor event. Any further information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

  • i don't think USMS gives a damn -- look at this crap "USMS encourages members to be vaccinated for COVID-19, but we understand it is a personal decision based on individual factors. "

  • I have a lot of concerns now about this meet. I just want to know that people will actively be wearing masks on deck. I just went to an OWS event and even though the emails said masks that frankly wasn't the case. I'm from NY and it's a vastly different experience as you start to travel out of state. When I was called back to my office in July I made the personal decision to only take off my mask outside the building and at my desk in my cube with 6 foot walls. Everyone at my job walked around without a mask the 1st 2 weeks. Then someone contracted COVID and everyone had their mask back on like me lol. I can't control what other people do but it would be nice to know that we are taking all precautions. 

  • I have a lot of concerns now about this meet. I just want to know that people will actively be wearing masks on deck. I just went to an OWS event and even though the emails said masks that frankly wasn't the case. I'm from NY and it's a vastly different experience as you start to travel out of state. When I was called back to my office in July I made the personal decision to only take off my mask outside the building and at my desk in my cube with 6 foot walls. Everyone at my job walked around without a mask the 1st 2 weeks. Then someone contracted COVID and everyone had their mask back on like me lol. I can't control what other people do but it would be nice to know that we are taking all precautions. 

  • Not planning on doing this meet, but concerning masks It would likely be that everyone not actively swimming or on the blocks will have a mask on. That's how it was last December for a SCM meet in SC.  The mask is just a small part of preventing the spread of this nasty bug anyway.

    In reality, someone will likely infect another person at this meet, or in its preparation, or during  travel involved, despite whether masks worn or not.