Masks at LC Nationals in October 2021

I just read the information on this page regarding masking:

Will they be giving out masks at the event so you can put one on after the race? I was a little surprised that vaccinations will not be required as it is an indoor event. Any further information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

  • i don't think USMS gives a damn -- look at this crap "USMS encourages members to be vaccinated for COVID-19, but we understand it is a personal decision based on individual factors. "

  • I wanted to go to that meet. The risk just seemed to great what with plane rides and hotels etc. Requiring vaccinations would have alienated some people, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. I don’t see how I can in good conscience go to a meet until vaccinations are required or my grandkids are eligible to be vaccinated. I really love meets, but I’m not dying to go 

  • I wanted to go to that meet. The risk just seemed to great what with plane rides and hotels etc. Requiring vaccinations would have alienated some people, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. I don’t see how I can in good conscience go to a meet until vaccinations are required or my grandkids are eligible to be vaccinated. I really love meets, but I’m not dying to go 

  • I wanted to go to that meet. The risk just seemed to great what with plane rides and hotels etc. Requiring vaccinations would have alienated some people, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. I don’t see how I can in good conscience go to a meet until vaccinations are required or my grandkids are eligible to be vaccinated. I really love meets, but I’m not dying to go 

  • I wanted to go to that meet. The risk just seemed to great what with plane rides and hotels etc. Requiring vaccinations would have alienated some people, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. I don’t see how I can in good conscience go to a meet until vaccinations are required or my grandkids are eligible to be vaccinated. I really love meets, but I’m not dying to go 

  • I wanted to go to that meet. The risk just seemed to great what with plane rides and hotels etc. Requiring vaccinations would have alienated some people, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. I don’t see how I can in good conscience go to a meet until vaccinations are required or my grandkids are eligible to be vaccinated. I really love meets, but I’m not dying to go. My daughter’s supervisor was a man his 40s with kids. Everyone liked him. He was vaccinated. He got COVID anyway. He got an unusual complication and died. She called me about this 2 days ago so I guess I’m more emotional than usual. Get your shots wear your masks and be careful 

  • Sorry to hear this!  I also will wait till it is safer!!  Another meet or medal is not worth the risk for me.