There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • Not sure why you would not include testosterone if you read about the benefits to energy levels and it used to be used by women and cyclists as a PED - before the current batch of designer PEDs. I had mine measured a few years back. It came back at around 500 (whatever the units were) and the normal range is 500-1500 for my age. So, if 500 is my "natural" level and the range is up to 1500, taking enough to increase my T might result in a substantial increase in performance without tripping the max level. Granted, not anything like HGH, but could be significant. And, another one I have personal experience with is taking Iron. I have been chronically anemic for the past 15 yrs (no medical reason has been found). if I don't take iron, my hemoglobin drops to about 80% of the accepted minimum and I can't swim hard (feels like having a heart attack after 75 yards or being at 12,000' elevation). if I take iron and my hemoglobin goes to the middle of the acceptable range, I am good to go like when I was younger. For me, taking iron is like a transfusion of high hemoglobin blood (which Lochte and others have been sanctioned for). So, these may seem like minor things, but they are very significant enhancements. It is a slippery slope as we get older. We probably can all agree that HGH (like used by Cenegenics) is an obvious PED. But, the rest - not so easy to see the black/white....
  • Not sure why you would not include testosterone if you read about the benefits to energy levels and it used to be used by women and cyclists as a PED - before the current batch of designer PEDs. I had mine measured a few years back. It came back at around 500 (whatever the units were) and the normal range is 500-1500 for my age. So, if 500 is my "natural" level and the range is up to 1500, taking enough to increase my T might result in a substantial increase in performance without tripping the max level. Granted, not anything like HGH, but could be significant. And, another one I have personal experience with is taking Iron. I have been chronically anemic for the past 15 yrs (no medical reason has been found). if I don't take iron, my hemoglobin drops to about 80% of the accepted minimum and I can't swim hard (feels like having a heart attack after 75 yards or being at 12,000' elevation). if I take iron and my hemoglobin goes to the middle of the acceptable range, I am good to go like when I was younger. For me, taking iron is like a transfusion of high hemoglobin blood (which Lochte and others have been sanctioned for). So, these may seem like minor things, but they are very significant enhancements. It is a slippery slope as we get older. We probably can all agree that HGH (like used by Cenegenics) is an obvious PED. But, the rest - not so easy to see the black/white....
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